That was... lame #detroit
That was... lame #detroit
@Karlott: I completely agree. Hot pursuit was probably the most fun I ever had, but the crashes on the original were bar none the only reason I played it. #needforspeed
Show some boob or find some hotter girls if you want to compete with a Gallardo. Just saying...
You could probably pull off something close to this on a Microsoft Surface, right?
I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother?
The first 3 cars I owned...
Raise your hand for this one. X-Com... Don't have to say anymore, except thank you Steam for saving me the 10.5 hours it usually took to get it working right on an XP machine.
I know... I'll make a game about a little guy that goes through a maze and eats corn pops while ghosts chase him... I'll call it MacMan.
So 10 - 20 % will miss out on a PS3 for Christmas? Ok, so those 10 - 20 people can buy (2) 360s and a Wii
169 in a 99 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, 2 o'clock in the morning on the 101 just past Oxnard. Pulled over for going 75+ (when I slowed down and he finally caught up)
Congratulations, you look so pumped up to be the only person to actually want to video tape themselves playing Guitar Hero for a "World Record"