Tango. Ios to Android & vice versa on 3g
Tango. Ios to Android & vice versa on 3g
@blash: You can use a public computer at a school library or even a hotel with guest internet access in the lobby that isn't being monitored with a camera directly (side note a lot of hotels use room numbers as passwords so you can just sit in the parking lot on a burn comp). Then go to a grocery store or even a gas…
@user_catch: As much as I agree with you your statement, your comment about white people and amber alerts can be taken the same way as you took this article against black people. I'm just saying. I'm in no way trying to start an argument, but saying something or anything is racial profiling with a prejudice remark…
@jsmuli2: Yesser I know I'm excited too. I hope to read Giz's review of it on it.
The Notion Ink Adam is supposed to go up for preorder at the end of this month or early Dec. I planned on waiting for that anyhootz.
Just ordered. Now I know what I'm getting everyone for xmas.
Fuck you buddy I'll stick with my Klipsch
@Spustatu: You can make the magic smoke come out, but good luck getting it back in
These creeps came to Jacksonville, NC to protest the death of a female Marine. Needless to say the town blocked off the streets and let them protest all they wanted all by themselves. They also protest at military funerals exept their signs say things like: "Thank God for IED's" and "Marines are Fag Enablers."
@PN - goopplesoft: Honestly it sounds like the "patch" will be released after the 30 day refund period....
Amazon is selling this for $0.01, and its got one (1) review
@Augure: You said "but fuck it"
@mxmarks: Go to the home screen and press the menu button. A pop up screen will show up, click settings. Next scroll all the way down to "about phone" and click it. You should now see "update phone" or something with "update" in it and click that. You'll now have four (4) options and the one you'll want to click…
@Frontline: I won't lie at first I was pissed at the battery life of my Evo, but after the first weekend of breaking the battery in it now lasts all day. Listen to Carl Whims....if you don't like if return it BEFORE 30 days and switch to the iPhone. Thats what I planned on doing but I can honestly say I'm more than…