
I felt Heigl had legitimate criticisms about _Knocked Up_, so I am curious what issues she had with the writing on _Grey's Anatomy_. Everyone remembers her for her unceremonious exit from the show, but no one remembers she was one of the first to stand up for T.R. Knight after Isaiah Washington's on-set homophobic

I agree. It's also a way to undermine serious game journalism by blurring the lines between YouTube reviewer and YouTube advertiser, and in the process, also serves to bribe desperate YouTube gamers for very cheap. If a triple-A game publisher is going to bribe me to write a glowing review for their game, I would

They're just waiting for a female gamer to do it, so they can sum up their collective faux-outrage and go on another doxxing/criminal threatening spree in order to silence her. And then, of course, claim it's all in the name of journalistic integrity. :P

Heh, that's what I was thinking.

It's not a "moment of weakness" to succumb to a terminal mental illness which caused such pain, suffering and suicidal ideation where the only solace and respite was to end one's life. Also, he's being "rewarded" for a lifetime service of bringing laughter and joy to millions, including to fans of the Zelda franchise.

Yeah I posited that theory a while back on some other site as well. I find that an analysis of her behaviour seems to bear that out, if one knows what to look for. I think it's also because Asperger's, at least the milder forms/higher functioning autism spectrum present very differently in women than in men, so at

Yeah, but Yahoo! is/was in a very tight position at that point, and Mayer was in a dead-end at Google. Despite being the first female engineer (and one of the earliest Google hires) she only made it to VP of non-integral departments, so I wouldn't be surprised if she felt she'd hit the glass ceiling there.

I dunno, some of my best friends are geeks/nerds and I met most of them first on an online text-only multiplayer roleplaying game... where we all felt more comfortable communicating than we did in person. Not that we didn't meet up in person eventually, but for some of us it was the first time we'd left the house in

This is why I'm more inclined to go with my theory that Marissa Mayer is Aspie, or at least lies somewhere on the autism spectrum. You don't make it to the cover of IEEE's Spectrum magazine unless you're a full-time geek, and she's got geek credentials a-plenty. The fact that she also fits conventional models of

As an atheist, I would have to say it's... because it's relevant to the topic at hand, which is about singing in Christian churches...?

I didn't know that. That's one thing I did like about the Halo4 pre-order bonus from... EB Games I think it was, was the armour camo. There was one from Best Buy or Futureshop that looked cool but made you look like a very large target sign, which I thought would be counterproductive for an FPS. ;P I actually had

There are some socially maladjusted people who, with a little bit of computer knowledge and some kiddiescripts, can easily wreak havoc on the real lives of others without really understanding the consequences of their actions. Just one game of Black Ops 2 on XBL will show how much people will just _rage_ on online

I'm not sure it necessarily matters. The most proficient hackers would just work out who you and where you live based on things like your IP address, and if you own a domain name, chances are all your info is easily found on a WHOIS. I don't particularly hide my social media presence so a casual Google search would

Rule 34?

Scary, but sadly not surprising. I mean, these are people who couldn't even make the cut for the most entitled of groups —the PUAs— due to #FAIL. Actually, it's a toss-up between the PUAs and the MRAs, really. What bothers me more is that the average person of all sexes and genders who still don't seem to

I suspect you just enjoy picking fights with people on the internet. Which is fine, really. But waiting so long between posts is inconsiderate!

My point was that video games as an art form just hasn't been around as long and so it's taken less seriously than film, for example. So the worst kinds of video games tend to have a more negative impact on video gaming as a whole, whereas with film, the impact of the films seen as having artistic merit far outweigh

I hear you. I died _a lot_ in MW3 after cutting my teeth on Halo 3, Reach and Halo 4. I actually had MW3 for some time, just sitting pretty in its package on my desk after I got it on sale, because I had heard so many bad stories both about the game itself and the people who play them on XBL. And sadly, a lot of it

I've played around with the 360 quickscope/noscope with XBL friends, but I don't really see the point in doing it in an actual match unless someone is trying to show off (and I've never seen anyone try it on Hardcore TDM in BLOPS2). I actually find noscoping is easier than quickscoping, because I got used to

I miss the Halo: Reach sniper rifle. :( I never got very good with the one from Halo 4 before I quit to go play CoD. Actually, I miss the original Unreal Tournament sniper rifle, I loved spawn camping with that thing on Facing Worlds CTF. ;P