
You should try reading how actual Native, Aboriginal, Indigenous and First Nations people actually feel about these issues, because those are the people who are directly impacted when the people you would hope would be the most understanding and supportive, People of Colour, attempt to minimize and delegitimize their

The onus to prove anything is on the people claiming scientific racism is scientifically valid, especially considering how many racial theorists were proven entirely wrong by real science.

I don't like any so-called 'scientist' who, because they consider themselves experts in their field, suddenly think that makes them

Yeah, as a kid I used to be surprised to find Asian eyes staring back at me in the mirror, because almost everyone around me was white.

I think it's important to speak out publicly against racism, and of course, bad science, regardless of whether people are trolling or not. It likely won't change a troll's mind, but it will educate people who don't know any better or are sitting on the fence.

Scientific racism is pseudoscience: it was pseudoscience in the turn of the century, it was pseudoscience when Mengele was busy murdering Jewish twins just to find out why some of them were born with blue eyes (a perfect example of a total lack of understanding of genetics), and it's pseudoscience even if the great

Just because you have the privilege of not caring about this issue, doesn't mean that it's not "interesting", let alone important.

Winning a Nobel prize doesn't make someone smarter, nor does it make them less racist, sexist, homphobic, etc.:

+1 internets.

I'm sure it's not intended to be racist, but I was kind of discomfited when a woman I met at a pub would not stop going on about my eyes. I mean, she was very intoxicated and clearly meant it to be complimentary, but it was almost starting to feel like a fetish, like I could be any Asian guy who happened to walk into

While I'm sure his heart was in the right place, I'm always hesitant to cheer this type of supposed great advance for human rights for non-cisgender people, because on the one hand, the fact that it is being talked about at all can't entirely be a bad thing. But on the other hand, all I can think is how it would be a

I don't know enough about the case to comment (I only read the xoJane allegations recently) but I agree it doesn't look good for her.

That being said, have her charges been categorically disproven in court? And if not, if it's possible (however improbable, going by the inconsistencies in the story) this really

Those ads scare me.

Seriously, I can't believe it's possible to make it _worse_ than Elite. ;P I'm tempted to check it out just to see how bad it is. ;)

Elite never worked properly anyway, whenever I tried to use it. I desperately wanted to like it, and more importantly to actually use it, but it never worked in MW3 so I didn't even bother in BLOPS2.

Condom calling, see we ain't got no swing

'Cept for the ring on that phallic thing

This needs to become a meme, stat. :)

I think contextually, the amount of flesh (well, drawn flesh) is about the same as if these characters were depicting, say, an athlete wearing athletic clothing for performance reasons: it shows a lot of upper thigh, for example. But an athlete is wearing little clothing because it's hot and they need to perspire to

So they do advertising that only targets a very specific demographic, namely straight cis-male otaku? You'd think there were no other kinds of otaku of other backgrounds. :( Also, a lot of those fan service-y portrayals look kind of... underage...?

It's great if you have the good stuff. ;) Well, unless you're a super-taster, in which case you might find even the best coffee to be pretty bitter.

/drinks it black, usually
//if it's good
///didn't like coffee for most of his life
////had one good cup and was hooked