
Yeah, that's the main reason why I've sworn off LDRs where I haven't met the person first. I think there's a lot to be said for pheromones and such.

I think Halo 4 was innovative for the franchise, and had the money to do it right (although there were bugs when I was playing it, like the game mislabeling certain weapon drops), and did a decent job of combining what I loved about Reach with a more CoD-style game play.

That being said... I miss Reach. It was my

I think the secret is custom tailoring. Bespoke clothing is expensive, but finding a nice pair of trousers, shirt, etc. that is good quality without necessarily being expensive, and having it custom tailored is probably the best, least expensive option. And I think that goes for women as well as men, especially

If they spent less time whining, and more time improving themselves as human beings... even if that didn't get them more dates, it will at least make their own lives more enjoyable alone.

Sounds like my dad. Yet the hilariously inconsequential things he jokingly brags about are never those things that most impress me about him.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one worried about this!

Lol, I practiced [that sweater move] but all I can think about is how it is going to stretch out the sweater in all the wrong places, and I self-consciously stop. I admit it looks smooth.

Just wondering if you would feel similarly about a woman who dresses up (very well, I might add) as Han Solo, because I have a friend who does just that. In the end, cosplay should really be about how much effort they put in, and how well it's done, not on whether a cosplayer's sex and gender are congruent with the

Here I was imagining a water-cooled HTPC that overheats so much the water-cooling turns to 'steam'. ;)

J/k ;). Those parts sound pretty sweet.

I mean, in what way does the cosplay of others negatively impact your life?

Really? I did not know this. Interesting. I guess some people got a little too risque at previous Cons or something.

You should explain why you feel this way.

Yeah, I'm confused as to why they made a new character model for the Definitive Edition, as I thought even the 360 version of the reboot was great, and I got the PC version for free with my new graphics card so I could take advantage of TressFX.

I'm a big fan of TressFX, mostly because one of the things that bugs me

Well, some of the death scenes are, yes. I can't stand gore: not because it grosses me out, but I think so much of it is cheesy, like slasher films, that it actually robs a movie/TV show/game of any real sense of horror.

But the game is really good, although I wish the ending was a little longer, considering the

I had a pair of flip-up ones I bought in New York in the '90s... along with my 2 Live Crew cassette single of 'Banned In the U.S.A.' ;)

True, but that's an issue with most games of this type. It's not even considered an issue in most games because the (male) protagonist doesn't even cry at all to begin, which I suspect is even more unrealistic, unless the protagonist is supposed to be a sociopath (which arguably, I think may be the case in many

Yeah, that's why I bought the Collector's Edition (to support the development of games like these with positive portrayals of women), although some of the pre-rendered moves seemed a little too 'fan-service'-y for my liking. It kind of detracts from the positive aspects of the game in terms of portrayal of a female