
The fact that this has any stars at all is so deeply and profoundly concerning to me.

A little extreme for a froyo, but if a daycare center advertised as "Vaccinated Kids Only" would this be a advantage for a lot a parents.

Yeah, I mean their stance does literally amount to, "I'd rather risk my own child (and possibly someone else's children as well) dying rather than risk my child turning out autistic." The supreme irony is that vaccinations protect against some viruses that can cause autism-spectrum disorders as a complication in

I wear one. It's sturdy enough not to be feminine but thin enough that it sits under my shirt without anyone noticing. It's for me and no one else. I also wear a wedding ring and a watch. And hell, I always know who I'm taking home at the end of the night, and the jewelry hasn't cock blocked me yet.

also appropriate:

Wearing a watch is more of a distinguished/mature act these days, I believe, than strictly functional. We all have cell phones that tell time. It projects a better (to me, at least), less obnoxious image to check your watch in front of company than to pull out your phone to see the time.

We should all wear whatever the hell we want. Despite the title of this article, that's what real adults do. So, if you have a class ring and it makes you look and feel good, go for it.

The fact that these girls don't know that French manicures are now thought tacky makes me question the whole Panhellenic system.

You can tell the next relative that lends you money that even Ayn Rand didn't charge interest.

Hey, at least Ms. Rand did not sink to the level of Jean Paul Getty I (who at the time was the richest man in the world), who would not pay his grandson's ransom when he was kidnapped by the Italian Mafia. He eventually haggled the ransom down from $17 million to $3 million, out of which he only paid $2.2 million

She says she doesn't know this relative, and $25 in today's money is about $250. So if some relative I'd never met asked me for $250 for a flippant cause, I might troll the crap out of them too.

Wait a minute...there's no Bullshit Street in Fuckoffville.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you like Adam Sandler movies.

Like...Post-2000 Adam Sandler movies.

You have at least three of them on your shelf right now.

Big deal, I've been doing that through Amazon for years...

Studies show that 70% of men die immediately after uttering the phrase "Watch this!"

After spending a four-hour flight next to a Coca-Cola executive trying to brush up against my boobs every time he moved, I'm ok with this.

OMG MARK THIS HEADLINE SPOILER ALERT, PLEASE???!!?? UGH thanks jerk, you just ruined Christmas for me!

Hmmm... might want to get that checked out.

Okay, the pocket knife in the hard drive caddy is inventive, but even the least paranoid of us would just have to ask "WHY?".