
That kind of happens here in China. A lot of my coworkers will wear the same clothes all week, then handwash at the end.

How can you mess up prepackaged potatoes that get dumped in a deep-frier? Do they not have oil? Oh my god, do they not have oil????

I have no idea what a liter is, but I can assure you we need that sugar to keep our eyes open during American Idol.

They're not really saying that fructose is bad for you, only that if it's all you eat, you'll get a lot of highs and a lot of crashes.

But one day the aliens will come, and who will be laughing then? Not Japan.

The resources described in this story are not scarce. It's not like an ultrasound machine will break if it's used on a woman who turns out not to be pregnant. The technicians can use it on her, then use it on another woman.

I'm confused as to why this man thinks that a local police department would have any influence over an NFL team. It's like if I ran at Zeus with a butter knife.

Hey, hey, let's keep it civil.

A good argument for keeping a supply of backup dads in the attic.

This is what I was wondering! Did she maybe mean dead soldiers? Is someone in her family struggling with a terminal illness?

Ha! My goddaughter's reaction, when her parents told her that Jesus was always watching over her, was pure fear. "He's watching me right now?"

A lot of my ESL students wrote that they were thankful for me, and it makes me think I didn't properly explain the meaning of the word thankful. Either that, or my name is one of the only English words they know.

How many jewels does she have? Or maybe she's thankful that others have jewels, because that would be kind of selfless.

To be the only person in this discussion who's actually interested in the cameras... perhaps police departments could enact a policy whereby if there's no footage of a dispute, the officer automatically gets 2 weeks unpaid leave? Or something like that? Plus spot checks?

I think the problem is that our society often tells people that they have emotional problems when really, their situation simply sucks. I work in a school for Taiwanese kids in China. The kids feel very displaced and they're often angry and difficult to control, and the school wants their parents to put them on

It sounds like this might be a different issue from the one Fanon faced. A violent criminal's problem isn't society, it's their urges. Is that what you're talking about, or am I misinterpreting?

The Willow thing made me think, I'll admit. I teach elementary school, and I know my students at best think school is okay but would rather be doing something else. At worst, they hate school. But what are their other options? I think they would start liking school a whole lot after a few years in a Nike sweatshop.

Is this a media firestorm? People are laughing at them, but I don't think that's really the end of the world, or their careers.

I wouldn't be upset, but if they want part of the South, they have to take the whole South.

This is great! I was recently trying to explain to a Chinese friend what "That 70s Show" is and he was like, "Are you talking about a show from the 70s?" Finally he came away with, "So five of them are American but one is foreign?"