The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.
The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.
The vindication of Washington sports fans.
Maybe they would have been more aggressive with a better QB.
When you lose to the Titans, it is never the refs fault.
Counter: Missed go-ahead kicks in the final seconds of games are indeed the reason why games are lost. Because you see, if the kick had been made, they’d have won.
This is like Remembering A Guy in real time
I lost it at ‘To me, this game looks like how a seizure feels.”
I appreciate this as someone that doesn’t play or watch MOBAs. But as with so many SNL skits, it’s longer than it needs to be. It’s basically beating a dead horse by the end. It also relies on some lazy stereotypes about a subculture, but that still works imo with the general fish out of water set up. A good chunk of…
The main gripe here is that piece of modern technology was used to essentially determine the outcome of a game within a system that is nowhere near as modern... had the camera not caught this brief ricochet and a red-hot Oklahoma offense been allowed to travel the 38 yards necessary to score a touchdown, the game most…
Or “Future social media intern for the Trump administration”
I am black and this is one of the few things that is so racist wrong it made me chuckle. “ I am a brother” underneath “ I am a future doctor” holy shit, nobody proof read anything before this was sent out.
They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
Wow. Just wow. I mean it’s like people in power (namely white men) refuse to acknowledge when they are at fault. The entire front office should be fired now. They attempted to smear, intimidate and flat-out discredit a person who simply did her job. This is the epitome of privilege.
Luhnow’s just afraid that if he fingers the responsible individuals, he’ll spark a cival war in his front office and then the umpires will have to get involved.
I haven’t been this disappointed in Houston since Mike Jones changed his phone number.
So safe to say that the reason Trump is attending Game 5 is so he can put the entire Astros front office in charge of his impeachment defense, correct?
I always thought that Jarvis Landry, Landry Jones, and Jarvis Jones should all study law and start a firm together.