H.E. Pennypacker

How ironic

Anyone who has watched Love Live! can relate to this. Especially with the movie taking place in New York City.

I couldn’t believe that game was over 17,000 blocks. Wound up putting a 32GB card from my old phone in my 3DS just to download it.

Never forget

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I think Roundball Rock sounds like battle music too


Atlanta. They had a DragonCon night at Georgia Aquarium, and there are tons of parks near downtown.

Bae Over Bay?

And I thought the views at Barclays Center for Islanders games was bad. How is that acceptable?

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This is the best use of MMD I’ve seen recently


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Not the first time a truck caught fire at a NASCAR race

Having lots of fun so far! Can't even get past this screen

The Elian Gonzalez affair. I remember in school we read Time For Kids magazine and it was all over that.

Trying to finish Megadimension Neptunia on PS4, and then some Overwatch.

How big social media accounts like this don’t have two-factor authentication is beyond me. You would think that would be the most important thing to enable!

Same company (Sixthman) that does the Gronk’s Party Ship and other music cruises. I was on the Parahoy cruise (with Paramore) which happened right before this.