H.E. Pennypacker

I still think it looks similar to the new Penn State logo

Would love to see a Dreamliner in Pokémon livery, a la the R2-D2 one.

Now we have 12 lanes of madness


Flyers fans throwing bracelets for the Ed Snider tribute onto the ice. If that’s not classless then I don’t know what is.

This is the New Jersey Turnpike near Exit 8A, not “Brunswick Turnpike”

Needs more 👻🐻

The game was supposed to be played over a month ago as a Sunday afternoon game on NBC, but was postponed due to the blizzard that hit the DC area.

I’ll be on this same ship next week

Giddy up!

It actually already is a word.

You know what would be nice? A Gawker site dedicated to reporting on weather. Sounds like a good idea! Oh wait, you DID have one and got rid of it!


That’s not gone well, has it

How do you get the RAM usage and date/time thing? Jailbreak?