
So my family lives in Lynchburg, VA and you are correct-it is a surname! Lynchburg was founded by John Lynch whose brother Charles Lynch is credited as one of the originators of “Lynch Law” (aka lynching) during the Revolutionary War- a practice that continued into Virginia well into the 1900s and primarily targeted

I have 2 stories that necessitate sharing: One of my many claims to fame is my ability to puke in the sneakiest way, just about anywhere. Went to a Harvest festival once, needed to puke, found an alley, got the job done, piece of cake, rejoined my friends to party the night away. I’ve even been known to call myself

I finally created an account just to share this story I’ve been holding in for 12 years. So it was freshmen year of college and I was a mess- drinking a lot, partying, basically just not taking care of myself. I get my period and must have gotten drunk and inserted a tampon without removing the one that was already