
I hope they make 100 episodes each of Dads and We Are Men. It would be worth it just to see Sonia Saraiya explode in anger and "outrage."

Oh fucking Christ. You must be a blast at parties. It's a movie. Lighten up, Francis.

That TDKR scene was awesome, like most of the movie. A boy singing the national anthem is not "pretentious." You do realize the anthem is sung before every game, right?

Just watch the movie.

If you can somehow work in race into Love freaking Actually, then you are a little mad. Perhaps more delusional than mad, then.

"This is a film that focuses on the Christmases that only a few people in
the world can comfortably afford and enjoy, and it makes no effort to
get into that at all."

Not after her shitty acting in Haywire. "Kicking ass," means little if you can't act worth a damn in a movie.

The abhorent TV remake pushed the bar low, so I'm willing to give this woman a chance. As long as she doesn't fight to the tunes of "Single Lady," and cry and eat ice cream while pining for her man.
To people who wanted Gina Carano, she is a horrible actress. It's interesting that the RT score for Haywire is 80% for

She looks like she can wear the Lynda Carter outfit well, and that should be a requirement for getting this role. Really don't want the makers of this film to succumb to the PC/gender police and have her in parkas and sweatpants.

I would have rather seen Michonne and/or Carl die.

"Tyreese’s plotline throughout the episode is clunky in spots, but the
driving force for his behavior makes sense, and the pay-off—a brawl with
a horde of zombies that nearly kills him—makes sense."

Nope, wrong again. The reason they didn't become ruthless dictators is BECAUSE the leaders of the revolution set the standard and tone for what they wanted the Republic to be. And our leaders and citizens since have done a pretty good job following that standard more or less.

There is a bit of luck in all major historical events. But attributing the success of the American Revolution to solely luck is glib, to put it mildly.

Cheers was a great choice but Frasier needs to be on here as well.

Will the game end with Iranians going, "What the fuck did we just do?" when they realize Khomeini and his thugs are going to ruin their country?