
This was Brasky’s resting BAC.

It gave me blue boils.

My kids first word will be the sound or arrangement of letters a “honk” makes.

Why is he shining a dim flashlight at us?

I look for a dog with a knife in it’s mouth on most Kotaku/Kinja articles. Always a voice of reason, even in rare instances where it’s the “unpopular” opinion.

Bad day’s Dwork I’d say.

Should have named him THRILLHOU instead.

I checked with the guys and yes, this was why you’ve been grayed.

30 seconds and farting the whole time sounds like my sex life.

He needs to look in the mirror.

THANK YOU. I’d much rather Deadspin stick to sports like Drew Magary’s “Did Hitler Ever Eat a Taco” or “Saturday’s Best Deals: Mesh Boxier Briefs”

Was Dwayne Wade not listening to me in the stands!?

They’re handing out CARDS now? I want one.

What time does the printable NCAA tournament bracket PDF start?

I feel this story is To Be Continued,,,

You’re looking at the owner/coach/Shortstop there, show some respect!

0:53 he starts crying lol

The Browns will probably try to sign him after they cut him.

This will screw us over in Minnesota in some way so I’m guessing he will leave the Vikings only to sign with the Twins where we will all blast the blockbuster deal for the wrong sport but then he will rip 50 homers in one of the greatest sport stories ever but then get carted off with a torn ACL in Game 1 in the World

*Throws arms in the air*