
Fans: We want VAing!


Rush Limbaugh started it and Newt took it and ran with it. 

This all started with Newt and his strategy of demonizing his opponents as a way to rile up the base. Fast forward to 2010 when the GOP drummed up anger over the ACA to win at the local/state level and redistrict a ton of formerly competitive seats to be safe, leading to the party primaries being the “real” election

It wasn’t really a question... More of a lamentation.

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

Dude sounds fucking unhinged...

His face at that moment:

Florida’s Carlos Gimenez was on a Today Show report this morning and the reporter interviewing him was like ‘Is there any way Jim Jordan could sway you to vote for him.’ Dude just straight up was like ‘No’ and stood there looking at him like ‘I want to say No fucking way in hell but you are going to just get that.’

Banks, in fact, apparently called it an “F-U” to Republican voters and even said, “[Republicans] don’t deserve the majority.”

at least one member left to go to the chapel and pray

BHPD is the 3rd largest racist gang in LA after the LAPD and the LA County Sheriffs.

I’ve never been anywhere where I’ve seen any enforcement of any rules or norms regarding those stupid fucking scooters. I can’t imagine a place that polices it to the point where someone would get scooped up and taken to jail for riding them on the sidewalk.

Are we sure they weren’t profiled for being LAPD? Everyone knows LA cops are always up to some shady shit.

This is a guy who spent $45bn buying Twitter because he was mad people on there were saying mean things about him, after all. 

I’m convinced the Cybertruck is what it is at this point because everyone sort of laughed at the initial concept, and Musk is so fragile that he decided to force it into existence in it’s near-original form rather than refining it into something that made sense.

Elon has been hitting the pipe hard

a production goal of 250,000 per year by 2025.”

I will never recover financial from this year in games.

I, for one, generally don’t prefer to get my recs from Gam3rG4t0r420 on GameFAQS or RedditUserSchlub.