
I think your first point is a fair one. I would posit that if you’re entire conversation consists of dick pics, exchanging interests and coordinating a meet up, you’re not really flirting, you’re just making plans with a stranger. Flirting IS just small talk at the start that changes to a deeper conversation as you

Very glad to see zero Chuck Lorre shows on this list. Thank you. 

Isn’t the word he’s looking for “aesthetics”?

I think the issue isn’t knowing how to flirt - if you can flirt on Grindr, you can flirt IRL. The ability and skill are there. The biggest difference is the risk and the possibility of rejection. When someone rejects you on Grindr they just don’t answer. You usually forget. But when someone rejects you in person, I

I wanted to go, but the price of lodging in NYC was just too prohibitive for me. I wish they’d picked and more affordable city. 

Of course they will. It may be tens or hundreds of years but at some point the technology will catch up. Technology is evolving exponentially faster than humans are. Quantum computing will change a lot too. 

They’re not a failed experiment; they’re just not ready yet. 

Great minds…

They had a warrant. If you want to attack the idea of a warrant that’s different. Also do you think Twitter would go to these lengths for YOU? Unless you’re a right white man, the answer is no. 

What is this, a controller for ants?!

I mean it’s not unreasonable per se, but plenty of other studios/companies make amazing games. And they’ve done it in the past with some great results. I’d rather have more games. 

The headline is missing the word “profitably” at the end. They could hire other studios to make more games simultaneously. It’s not a finite resource. 

It’s strange to me that these photos don’t identify which one is which one, I’m obviously reading this review because I don’t own either.

Then wouldn’t it be more equitable if they just let everyone build the team they want, allowing for the goals you’re talking about?

What’s even the point if you can just hack them? That feels more like a format where you should be able to just customize and pick your team instead of earn it and create it.

I don’t understand the “inking” - what does the number have to do with the inkwell?

You can walk the streets with an open container in Indy. The question is if the establishment will let you leave with it.

So they’re admitting Florida = a burning building? Finally something we agree on

You mean giving Pro members $5 to walk into Gamestop and get a free pack of Pokémon cards and walk out each month didn’t work out? Can’t imagine why. 

Bullying has a pretty specific definition, at least legally.