You think the fact that there’s a Gleeok in a Zelda game is a spoiler…? Here’s another spoiler - Bowser is in the new Mario movie.
You think the fact that there’s a Gleeok in a Zelda game is a spoiler…? Here’s another spoiler - Bowser is in the new Mario movie.
That’s all they’ve EVER done. This isn’t new. The Southern Baptists were boycotting Disney 30 years ago.
Oof. The more I hear about this game, the less I think I’ll be buying it.
How about go to a different state in the future
faze clan lolol…angry gamer bros who sold out are suddenly made that they’re doing sell out things?
BtB is amazing.
I feel like the game has enough content that it didn’t need rupee throttling like they increased from Breath. Especially when you’re an adult.
Some people will never be satisfied.
I bought my Switch and a few games by selling back my Wii U and a bunch of those games.
How can they turn it off? All the data resides on the disc and your console. If it’s not online, it’s yours forever.
The ability to give it to friends/sell it back is the good of owning the disc, in addition to always owning it.
You can also get that with a disc, if the patch isn’t large, which they usually aren’t.
Some of us sanitize their phones daily, but most of us don’t.
This. I never want to touch a menu again.
I get what you’re saying. It’s the kind of game with a bunch of activities, all of which are “playing the game”.
FFXVI is a finished package you’ll download without having to make space for a massive first-installation update. Director Hiroshi Takai told the publication that this is for two reasons. The first is that the development team has total faith in the stability of the game’s final build. Secondly, and more crucially, is…
But wasn’t that the whole point of the House finale - that he didn’t face any consequences and got off the hook? I feel like there’s a difference between “bad” and “what I wanted to happen/thought should happen didn’t”.
I never said they were….?
How can a trailer prove a movie is a “crowd-pleaser”…?
I mean that by, don’t connect your credit card and let them spend without your approval