
This is awkward.

Haters gonna hate

It's scary what can happen when people are put in "extreme" situations.

So much rice.

I remember when I was a kid my cousins and I always believed that at year 2000 (which was magical for some reason) we would instantly have flying cars...

Hahahaahhaha, oh wait you guys are serious?

And this has been another segment of "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong."

Wow, I could hit those kids that are yelling in the face.

that's just plain stupid.

eh, women drivers...whataya expect?

Haha. Pianos are a notorious problem when in a Marina.

Plymouth Voyager/Dodge Caravan

I bet this would give the guys in the Blue Man Group a hard on.

I was going to post a smoking related pun, but everyone already beat me to it.

Hey i dunno what you guys are talking about this is funny.

You get one star if you run the toll booth.

You know maybe that the mount is actually just duct tape stuck on the back of the iPad. That would explain the duct tape patent link.

They must have the no wanted stars cheat code on.

Woah are they speaking Swedish? It's like sounds like backwards French!