
Sobble says “global warming is killing us”

Sobble continues to be incredibly relatable

Complete with a statement about how he’s now free of all the SNOWFLAKES and LIBERAL FASCISTS who got him fired because they hate FREE SPEECH.

The Buck Stopped Here:
Milwaukee, Lew Alcindor, and Giannis Antetokounmpo

Damn, missed by 12 hours;

And like Douche Jr., Taubman will soon be working in the Trump Administration/corporation too.

I’m rooting for Sanchez to get a ring. Then all five Tigers starters from the 2014 team that flamed out in the ALCS will have won World Series titles after leaving Detroit and that bottle of Jameson in my liquor cabinet can be consumed in one night with justification.

Of all the people in Houston who would be Trump fans, somebody named Francine who works in accounting (ie old and white), is definitely one of them.

That is precisely what he is going for. 

I mean, I don’t expect everyone to fact check their jokes, but it’s pretty widely known that Texas’ big cities are Democratic strongholds..

Clinton won Harris County.

uhhhhh what? Houston’s blue as hell

... just look for MAGA paraphernalia around the office.

I hate that they have me pulling for a Mike Rizzo team. But fuck the Stros, I hope they lose two more laughers this weekend.

In every photo of him, all I see is Don Jr.

I can’t imagine their initial “investigation” went beyond asking Taubman if the comments were directed at anyone, and then credulously accepting him saying “of course not.”

The delicious irony is now that Taubman is himself, in baseball terms, an undervalued asset, no other team will hire him because they’re supposedly bad at analytics (which apparently just means being willing to overlook the fact that he’s a complete asshole).

It would be great if this was a case of the Astros committing to an organizational overhaul in response to not just what Taubman did

Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.

LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP.