
The clock was already at 0.0 before the puck went into his glove, so wouldn’t matter either way. Here’s a screen shot right before he moves his glove to catch the final shot with the game clock already at 0.0:

No! Sidney Crosby’s dress is white and gold.


Frankly, I think that’d be a tragedy. Sports need some level of ambiguity, because arguing is the best part.

They made the right call. It’s difficult to believe that with where the glove is, the puck WASN’T completely over the line, but there’s a small chance it wasn’t, and since you can’t see the puck, well.

Schrodinger’s puck. 

Immediate solution: tape a phone with GPS to the puck and use Google Maps to determine where it is. This plan is without flaw.

Buddy, Kyrie was at his best playing alongside LeBron, but he also left that situation because he wanted a more prominent role. You can disagree with his belief in his own abilities, but he felt he was being stifled.

“stifled second banana" with LeBron??? Why are folks so committed to treating every star who's played with LeBron like they suffered under him? Kyrie's greatest performances were alongside LeBron lol, what the entire fuck?

You don't have to watch the Knicks, for a start.

Hot take (but from experience): Barclays is way more fun for a basketball game than the Garden now. Exponentially more fun.

I mean, the argument that, “You’re playing like crap and might lose your starting job because you’re injured, but we don’t think you should have surgery to fix the injury,” is not what I would call a *strong* argument, but it is definitely an argument I can see a team as dysfunctionally moronic as the Jets making.

So obviously dude should get the surgery and get his goddamn game check back, but I want to address this:

Osemele said the Jets initially sent a blank MRI and then the wrong MRI to one of his doctors before finally correcting the error. Jets GM Joe Douglas told Osemele it was an honest mistake

Good for him. I hope he drags them to court if they withhold his salary. It’s his body and he should make the decision. If they were indeed going to bench him, it makes even more sense that he’d want to get the surgery done now. He could spend the next 2 months healing and rehabbing for next season, or spend it on the

Looking at the title image of that beautiful young smiling woman and then reading that horrible story... it just breaks my heart. 😓 Can’t imagine the pain her family and her boyfriend must be going through right now... my deepest sympathies go out to them.

Poor girl tried to run and got shot.

Apparently some politicians were supposed to be passing gun legislation... 

Agreed, not sure what the technical term is but such a shame the underlying cause was not discovered in time. His poor family.

Cruz reportedly experienced hallucinations and was taken by authorities to a local hospital. After arriving at the facility, Cruz stole a car and fled, driving the vehicle into a nearby lake. His body was found by divers the following morning. The country coroner has since ruled Cruz’s death a suicide, but his family