Glad they weren’t on the Howard Franklin in Tampa yesterday morning before the Festival of Speed
My uncle gave me a 72 Porsche 914 when I was 15 in ‘99. There were literally no safety features on that car. I knew I could die if I wasnt responsible driving that car. I was taught how to drive a stick on THE worst manual transmission known to man. The whole experience made me an aggressively-defensive driver and…
No structure, just the hood heat shielding. I saw a picture of it before but when I left my sister’s house early in the morning over the holiday I noticed my car was showing the logo through the hood so I snapped the photo
I will never understand why OEMs wont allow combinations of drivetrain with certain trims. I mean, heaven-forbid a person that wants all the accoutrements of a vehicle actually wants to row their own gears.
I mean, you cant park it anywhere. It gets maybe 4 MPG....AND a Hood Scoop!?!?
The only reason why the 916 wasnt mentioned (only 11 made) was it was is was based off of the VW collab 914 even though it used almost all P-car parts.
The only reason why the 916 wasnt mentioned (only 11 made) was that it’s based off of the VW collab 914 even though it used almost all P-car parts.
CTS-V Wagon
Just like anyone can open the hood on my Viper... yeah the alarm goes off if it’s locked, but the horn is laughably quiet
Might be good for the RT/10 but would’ve looked hideous on a GTS....The headers poking through the hood on the side would’ve been a killer touch.
What they really shouldve done, like the Genesis, was give it it’s own emblem/logo rather than that gawdy ‘KIA’ logo slapped on the nose/rear-end and steering wheel.
I bought my dream car a few months ago, Gen II Dodge Viper GTS. It’s been an absolute dream and it never gets old looking down that bubbly hood as I go down the road. It may not be the quickest car (even with 500hp) vs the newer beasts of today but it sure does evoke a certain something in my nether-region every…
It’s really just telling you to floor it....all the time. I barely notice it in my ‘02 GTS since I dont care about rear tires