
I will fight anyone who says that Stranger Than Fiction is anything less than a beautiful little movie about love and existential angst. I think Will Ferrell is tremendous in it, and I believe it may be the best performance of his career. And I, too, am reduced to onion-chopping-in-the-room when Harold Crick finishes

He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

And now you want to see him killed? You want justice done? You’re a criminal after watching this shit for seven years,’” Chase says.

Nowadays, every creator’s gotta go to interviews and press junkets where they trawl back over their storytelling decisions in a way that ultimately diminishes them. What happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type.

Dumb choice.

idk I think firing a man who privately advised his brother, a public official, on how to navigate his own sexual misconduct scandal, while refusing to report on said scandal because it would be a conflict of interest (not that that stopped him from bringing said brother on his show when Andrew’s approval ratings were

You’re making jokes, but Disney is running the only remotely functional government in Florida right now. We could do worse.

We buried him... on a hill... overlooking a little river... with pine cones all around ...

What’s funny is I was one of those guys who signed an online petition in hopes of bringing Family Guy back when it was cancelled but when it did eventually return, I checked out after about 2 more seasons.

never underestimate the appeal of getting out of the house for a while.

She’s 100% correct tho. I’ve felt for several years that the original movies streaming services put out feel.... off somehow. They often feel hollow and small. They appear and disappear with little fanfare, getting replaced by the next one that will be gone from memory after 5 seconds.

For a substantial segment of the population, the drawbacks of seeing a movie in the theater outweighed the advantages, pre-pandemic. First of all about 10 years ago I stopped going to any theater at all where I couldn’t reserve seats. Then there’s travel, cost, the random chance that someone sitting near me is some

Because a comprehensive listing of Kanye’s bullshit every time he does something new would bloat every article to an unreadable length, and because it was covered thoroughly when his support was active and vocal, to the point where it was all any Kanye article would talk about for around three years.

I could see it being him because they’re longtime friends, and it’s easy to get fuzzy on boundaries of what’s okay to say with your friends. Especially if he was suggesting that Ryan, a jerk, say it to Kaling’s character because the character is a jerk.

Shush! I’m hoping it will stick to this one.

I might be Poe’s Law-ing this but also for the benefit of people who genuinely wouldn’t know this (not everyone has an interest in that show!), that was a different Michael Richards.

That’s not the worst of it, I did some internet sleuthing and discovered that back in 2006 he went on a racist tirade at an LA comedy club, yelling at an audience member and calling him the N-word a bunch of times.  Asshole.

Werent they they the main characters from Perfect Strangers?

I followed the directions to the letter and ended up meeting my dad.