
You would figure out Wolf’s point if you looked up the joke. The fact that you haven’t implies that you aren’t engaging in good faith.

It’s a reference to makeup, but isn’t insulting her makeup. It’s calling her a liar, which she is. Dude, is this really the hill you want to die on?

Fortunately for Wolf, she attacked Sanders on the basis of her identity as a liar and a gas-lighter, which I don’t believe is a protected status. Yet.

Sanders was not attacked because she was a woman, she was mocked as the propaganda minister she is. The jokes were at her position in the Trump Administration and her actions not at her being a woman.

She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.

So what is “the mission?” Keeping everything as milquetoast as possible?

Fuck. Yes. My copy arrives in the mail today. And it’s my birthday to boot. Happy birthday to me.

Did they have a competitive benefits package?

Gimme a break! Like you’ve never thought about recruiting for a sex cult.

True story: I almost worked for this cult.

As a fellow brown skinned fellow, I really like the jokes from the first one.

It doubles as a review for the unstoppable march of time.

I didn’t think your comment demanded a reboot, yet here we are.

Wow, this is the longest film review I’ve seen on AV Club in years. And it’s for Super Troopers 2.

The real story here is that you have to pay $39 to file a restraining order. That seems like a pretty good way to exclude poor folk from some fairly fundamental protections...

Because nobody gives as much of a shit as you think.

Enablers allow or encourage behavior. As I’ve described, no, I’m not doing that. If you’d bothered to read my post I point it out there. I also explained how I fight it, again well enough above.

Penn pens prolific prose positively pouring poetry.


If anything, I think It Follows is underrated, partly because people get hung up on things that aren’t really the point, like a) trying to nail down extremely specific rules when part of the point is that no one really knows all the rules and they’re trying to figure the monster out while fleeing for their lives, and