kpinochle don’t want to be my horror buddy?

My Fu Manchu reboot pitch as a comeback vehicle for John Cusack says otherwise.

The short version is that prior to being patched with a smidgen of extra expository content, the story contained so many gaps, jumps, and “fuck it, you either watched the anime, the movie, and read the promo materials or you just won’t get it” shit that it came off as a mishmash of ideas that had to be crammed into a

Hahaha... respectfully, how do you deal with the modern world? Is there any leader or government that lives up to your (I mean this) noble beliefs? I’m a vegetarian pacifist who aspires to charity and kindness. Humans suck. If I held others to my beliefs, I’d be a lonelier curmudgeon than I already am.

I guess I

Hey, brainstorm! Let’s try to flip this!

Yeah, but wouldn’t be kinda fun to see a sitting President of the United States go through divorcee proceedings? Sir, have you no sense of schadenfreude?

Honestly I don’t care about consensual affairs of politicians (unless they make their political hay on family values (just like why I’m A-OK with outing homophobic closeted ones)). Of course Trump’s an adulterer. He’s proved it with his previous wives. Get the sexual assault cases to stick and then come back to me. 

Is anyone really surprised that people still defend that bloated bag of expired cheetos? A majority of his supporters love him BECAUSE of his racism. I mean, JFC, look at Joe Arpaio. There’s your textbook Trump supporter. Ignorant, racist, bigoted, IQ below 80, and bereft of any morals whatsoever. I’m still waiting

A pack of wild dogs will attack and kill a wounded member.

I have to admit that I thought that the Breitbart faithful would side with Bannon against Trump. I guess that shows how much I understand that crowd.

Franco yes. But Skarsgård was amazing on BLL. He deserves the award. His performance was chilling.

“There are about a million songs with this underlying structure.”

Honestly Radiohead, a woman will usually respond better to a bouquet of roses rather than a batch of papers from Merkin, Butt & Greasey LLP

I dunno, I’ll go check the bottom of the birdcage where the Constitution is currently being stored.

The shows are good, actually.

Thanks, that means a lot coming from you.

Well, I didn’t think it was possible, but he did something even worse than unleashing Crash on the world.

But it’s possible that he’s the kind of lech who’s unaware of his own lechery and/or doesn’t understand how it will be viewed by others. The donation kind of cuts in that direction.

Fuck... so basically this came from “well, he didn’t say NO, so let me get a popcorn machine and watch the show”. And noooo one, not even Preibus, went: huh, maybe get this guy some sort of contract to ensure the less fucked up shit didn’t get out?

Who would have guessed that Trump would be completely incapable of performing this job, or that his administration would quickly descend into chaos?