I learned this year reading Nixonland that Bob Hope was a huge Nixon supporter and of anti-bussing laws in the early years of desegregation :/
I learned this year reading Nixonland that Bob Hope was a huge Nixon supporter and of anti-bussing laws in the early years of desegregation :/
I could get a good look at a butcher's ass...
Was it Dikachu?
I blame all the animosity on this thread on Cookie Monster :p
First time I ever saw the Exorcist was alone at like 2am on Showtime or something. Knew if wasn’t a great decision at the stairwell scene, but still made it through the whole thing
You'd hope so. Might be wrong... we'll find out
Well, he is a Coppola...
Bono knows what he did
He looks a lot like Bryan Cranston in that get up
To be fair, he didn’t explicitly support Nazis... Just the fine folks demonstrating with Nazis. Huge difference :|
To the second paragraph: Huh? (Quick Google search didn’t show me what you’re referring to)
Maybe he felt like he was complimenting you by copying your work...?
Which makes it worse than outright word for word copying...
Chvrches: The Mother We Share, We Sink, Gun
Off the top of my head...the beach balls, the big lion, flying around while singing firework. I don’t even particularly like Katy Perry, but that was my favorite half-time show in recent memory
Please tell me Muhammad has a cameo
Like not self aware as in she’s an oblivious person, or like she’s not actually a sentient organic life form? ...I could see either being plausible
Not with that attitude