
Most people I know, myself included, who supported Bernie did the responsible thing and pulled the lever for Clinton…most :/

I have a friend who works at a school named after Robert E. Lee :|

In all seriousness, I am so excited to see this movie

Lars does kinda look like an overgrown toddler

Dammit, I was told Victoria's Secret

I only remember it vaguely. I think I was drunk at a friend's house when I saw it which likely made it more enjoyable. I feel like there was something in the plot involving Arnold's daughter that had me in tears laughing at some pay off point

The king's road

There was an Arnold and Stallone movie not too long ago that was along those lines. I remember it being stupid to the point of actually being entertaining

That real or a joke you made up? Feels like either is equally plausible…

I don't even own a Wall Street Journal!

Channels 67-74


… allegedly.

The aristocrats!

True enough. Also catchier than all the other lines I saw. I'm just so goddamn relieved that shithole bill isn't going back to the House for negotiations

That's how you write a good music review. Great work Noel!

Guess I'm still no fan of his, but he earned huge kudos for last night's deciding vote

As a straight cis male, I must say he is ridiculously handsome… Jealous

That's exactly what I'd expect someone from Sapphire Isle to say…