

Leftovers v. Sopranos finale…go!

Leftovers v. Sopranos finale…go!

Yea, misremembering. Sunset is like the midway point

Ditto. I love Don't and the back end of Drakkar Noir. I think The Real Thing and Bankrupt! are the only songs I usually skip.

Upvoted for correct conversion

After Drama and Turtle get done finger banging each other

I think Nacho put the pill bottle back in the pocket upside down from how it originally was… Wonder if Hector will notice

Rewatching it right now. I fucking love that the door knocks were in time with the end of the song when Nora was frantically packing and Kevin was at the door. Almost too cutesy, but it made me grin from ear to ear, and it really added to the surreal atmosphere of that first act

The writers' original intent was that Laurie killed herself, and then they changed it after there was a split in the room about whether they had "earned" her suicide…IGN has interviews with both Lindelof and Perrotta that are really interesting…

That dance scene…fucking chills

I'm enjoying Breath of the Wild quite a bit, thank you

I think "Fuck Bill Maher" is the one thing that might unite this country in the end

Eh, as much as I agree with most of the politics espoused on AVC, them having a token conservative voice would at least be a nice change of perspective every now and then

Sorry for the snooty preface on first reply, I'm typically more argumentative right when I wake up. But yea, mostly just don't find Maddow to anywhere near what I'd consider a trustworthy journalist

Ooooo, you seem fun :)

Remember how Maddow shit the bed with the tax returns non-story? For that and her generally​ sensationalist presentation she's not on my trusted journalists list. Frankly most analysis MSNBC puts out has such a liberal bias that it's hard too take the network seriously, even when they report fairly.

That meeting scene was sickening. Did they intentionally not finish her off, or did they just underestimate her resilience?

Hey, get off my lawn!