Calling a cunt a cunt is not equal to calling black people monkeys.
That’s twice this year the Eagles have stunned the patriots.
People tried this religious freedom nonsense in response to the Civil Rights movement and it was rightly slapped down. Nice to see that we are regressing so wonderfully on this issue.
Hatred and Evil run their streak in 2018 America to approximately 8 billion wins in a row. Film at 11.
When people tell you both parties are the same, you show them a picture of Betsy DeVos. Well, first you slap them as hard as you can and then you show them.
As someone born in SoCal in the ‘60s and who grew up in the smog-filled ‘70s and ‘80s, let me just say fuck the federal government for wanting to take away California’s ability to set their own emissions standards. Things were so horrible for so long, with seemingly no end in sight, if you could even see. California…
Then manufacturers will be forced to make changes just for the state (like they already do) and that will drive up prices for the rest of us. Another reason I would never live there.
Now all you bastards that were blaming the woman in the first article can shut the hell up. There is no reason to do this on public roads, none.
I also know this site has become some far left progressive crapstorm, which wants every game to be some liberal political mouthpiece.
I am also far from a “bro.”
You’ll be happier when you just accept that you like shitty games with shitty writing.
As someone who adored Heavy Rain and still plays Beyond 2 Souls 2-3 times a year
He once wrote a letter to Game Informer rejecting their “personal vendetta” against some other game he loved 11 years ago, so yeah... he is a professional writer. Isn’t it obvious?
He also seems to think he’s a game design genius for making minimally interactive B-movies chock full of QTEs. Has the world completely forgotten the mid-90s boom in “movie-games” that failed because the idea inherently sucks? Phantasmagoria, anyone? The X-Files on PSX?
I wish I could downvote you.
I wish I could downvote you.
But at least more people can now get jobs in the industry.....
You should, um, buy your own damn car.