
The victim is white. I looked at her Twitter page yesterday. The cops will definitely lose their jobs and probably go to prison. Wish the same would happen when black people are targeted by cops.

No, he sounds cognizant of the environment if racial bias and how he has privileged from it’s systems of oppression for Blacks and other minorities and system of providing second chances and privilege to those with the ‘right’ complexion.
Is it disappointing and honestly disheartening to know that a white person can

Right, that was my point - it’s an extremely flattering comparison and he’d be very lucky to end up with that kind of career. But it’s also a comparison to a guy who regularly shot 37-38% over the course of a season even with opposing teams regularly hiding their worst defender on him. The answer to “when is Lonzo

I feel like until he figures out a jumper (and he’s only four games in, let’s not call it busted just yet), he’s just gonna be a much-hyped Ricky Rubio with an added dimension of rebounding. That’s still pretty good!

I’m a Celtics fan on the east coast and have stayed up for 3/4 of his games. I turned the corner on Lavar earlier this summer as well and fully embraced that BBB life.

Yeah agree his scoring is going to be up and down...but outside of that the kid just has a presence. You can see it on the court....his teammates are super quick to give him the rock because they already assume he has found some kind of opening and the guarantee you (this is 2nd time in 4 games) Lakers have come back

He’ll be “fine”, but I don’t know that he’s ever going to just flip a switch and become an above-average shooter. The comparison people seem to make a lot for his career possibilities is Jason Kidd, who was also fine! That would be a totally fine career for him. But...Jason Kidd was a career .400 shooter and had many

Drew, thank you so much for the honesty in this column. Being upfront and honest about the shitty things we’ve done is important. I have a lot of things to atone for, too, and this is inspiration to keep working on being better.

I’m not saying we need corn pop diversity. Corn pops aren’t people! But if you’re going to the trouble of making one brown, let it party with the other corn pops, for god’s sake.

I am white. We can’t see the wolf because we are the wolf. And I don’t mean that as a positive thing.

“How the fuck can you tell us not to cry wolf when you have never recognized a wolf?”

Caesars don’t have olives, though. For some reason, a clam/tomato based beverage is okay to me, but olives and tomato juice are just too weird.

This sounds..... Interesting. But also terrifying.

Hmm. Our neighbors to the South in Mexico have embraced Clamato as well. Clamato is a key ingredient in the Michelada-the most wonderful hangover drink ever. It’s kind of like a Beer-y Mary; Mexican lager, Clamato, Worcestershire, Maggi sauce, lime juice & chili with a rim of Chamoy. It might not be for everyone, but

Caesar’s are great! Clamato juice, Worcestershire, tabasco, vodka. Celery salt rimmed glass, garnished with celery and a lemon wedge. Much better than Bloody Mary’s.  

You can’t judge a coach based on the Browns. That is the opposite of logic.

Yep, you can tell white people are under attack by the way they make up the overwhelming majority of government leadership, business leadership, media leadership, entertainment leadership, scientific leadership and pretty much every other type of leadership in this country. White people, who overwhelmingly control the

It’s weird you’d blame “centrists” for “the left” not standing for social issues when some of the loudest critics of “identity politics” have come from the far left “brocialists” who’ve been trying to co-opt the progressive wing.

It’s on sale right now on PS4! But, I haven’t played 1 or 2, and probably won’t... should I get it? :(

“JuJus will not replace us” - Martavis Bryant