Twice the legal limit after 2 shots? That’s some fine bathtub hooch!
Twice the legal limit after 2 shots? That’s some fine bathtub hooch!
I think if you give them gifts and have tea or invite them to eat with you you can make recruiting slightly easier.
Thank you for this, excellent post. I couldn’t believe Weisman’s tweet...until you posted his 2016 tweet that is in fact even worse.
Why doesn’t someone buy Konami? So many good properties available and they are just rotting. It’s so sad. As a kid who grew up in the 80's and 90's, Konami was like the #1 or #2 well known 3rd party developer. And now it’s basically gone for no real reason.
What would be the next in line QB name after Blaine and Blake? Bayman Farbles? Blanston Morbert?
You can recruit everyone but the top two from the other houses I think. So Demitri and Duduc (sp?) are off limits, but everyone else is gettable in theory. If it says “recruit” on the menu, you can recruit them. So far I’ve only recruited the other teachers, 2 knights, and 1 non-affiliated student. I’m hoping to get…
The OS is so mature that these delays don’t really matter. When you were going from Froyo to Gingerbread to the next and next and next version, it was important. I left Android back in those days because it was so slow and buggy. But nowadays I’m not sure there is enough difference to make your 3 year old phone feel…
Ah, got it. And agree completely then! The lawsuit, if taken to it’s logical end, can erase entire careers as “inspired by”.
That seems common in pop music. Like the guy from One Republic wrote Halo for Beyonce, and then wrote the same song for Kelly Clarkson, just this time called it Already Gone. When Clarkson found out she tried to have it taken off the album, but her label didn’t let her.
Pherrel was the one getting sued for writing a song that was inspired by a Gay song (but didn’t use any of the same notes or beats, and maybe not even the same time signature, but apparently you can copyright a “feeling” now...)
More and more I really dislike the Shapiro/Atkins management group. We are 4 years in and i’m not sure the rebuild is even close to over, and I’m also not sure this trade helped all that much. Treating players like children is also not a great look.
I’m legit going to play all 3 houses, I love some newer games actually giving you a real reason to do these multiple play throughs. I am Golden Deer to start, I think Black Eagle second, then Blue Lion.
“well, he didn’t use the hard R”
I mean, you still do that, they just don’t form romantic couples. But you still match make, build their relationship and pair them for story and battle purposes. They just aren’t going to give you kids.
What about people who don’t have Netflix?? They do exist! And what about people who still enjoy a theater experience? It’s not like you have to wait long now for the Avengers to leave the theater and hit some streaming service, or even just OnDemand for $5 or so.
Movie theaters will never die, because you will never make $2B on a streaming movie. The incremental income just isn’t there for an Avengers:End Game style hit.
True. Btw, the AV Club did a real review and it got a B+.
“I used that word because they forced me into it,” Goodman said.
Mind you, this isn’t to say this particular movie is “good” or “bad”. I haven’t seen it. And I have no problem with actual bad reviews...but this ain’t that. This is the author reaching for outrage, drawing bizarre connections (“is this supposed to be about the Uma Thurman controversy?” I mean....why?) and…
That’s the one I’m thinking about as well. To not give it a wide release seems insane, but Netflix may just do that.