
Oops, meant to reply to article.

True that they don't have to be alive to be analyzed in some respect, but they do if they want to characterize. I can't imagine that it would be easy to extract enough DNA for sequencing from these cells without culturing them.

"We are using yeasts to track human migration and contacts."

Thank you, sir. My ancestors are relatives of Ernest Shackleton, and also attempted a voyage to the South Pole prior to Ernest's expedition. Turns out, they didn't bring sufficient rations. Only snacks really. The family name was changed to Snackleton in shame, and Ernest Shackleton's ship was named in the spirit of

What are you talking about what is he talking about?

No, first world problems are problems that are annoyances. This is a bit more than an annoyance.

No DK mode?

I can stand fucking typos, but I can't fucking stand typos. Sometimes I do stand while having sex with typos. It's tough if there's a big height mismatch though.

Thank you. One of the best Gizmodo comments I've seen.

It was probably LMFAO. They wanted to get pumped for their Super B*** guest appearance.

The best thing about Slim's performance is that Kubrick didn't tell him it was a satire.

Maybe Greedo grabbed the wrong blaster that morning. He put the joke blaster under his drawer where the regular blaster should be. Or maybe he was really sleepy and wasn't paying attention.

I'm guessing it would turn off Screenwise, since Chrome private browsing turns off all extensions. There's probably something in the fine print about this though.


"Fix it in post" is easy to say, but the amount of time and effort it can take to process hundreds of images is much greater than what it takes to white balance before you click.

Haha, dude got pwned. Also, the the story on This American Life is one of the best I've heard on that program.

Sounds like my ex-wife back when I lived in Orange County.


This is cool and all, but one thing I've always disliked about using the Xbox 360 as a media center is that the fan is so damn loud. You have to have your speakers fairly loud to drown out the Xbox.

This is one way that speciation occurs. An original population migrates to a new area, food is scarce for a few years, there's a disease that wipes out a large percentage of the population, etc. Eventually the changes from the original population are too great to allow for reproduction of viable offspring. Bottleneck