
There should be a Troll Patrol vs Trolls match.

Not a plucking machine, but somewhat relevant and this should always be posted when somewhat relevant.

He may not be able to recognize each individual voice because pilots and flight crew don't go everywhere together. A pilot may meet his crew for the first time just before the flight. Speaking with them, he would learn that none of them have an accent. Can anyone verify what the purpose of the password actually is?

I think one thing you guys are forgetting is that heavy accents can be difficult to understand, especially if you don't have much experience speaking to someone with that particular accent. What probably happened:

Is that really why there's a password? I would think it would be for the pilot and flight attendants to enter the cockpit. If the co-pilot hears someone giving him the password, and it's a voice that clearly isn't from a crew member, wouldn't that be slightly suspicious?

I'd say it's better to be safe then sorry in the instance of a passenger trying to enter a cockpit, no matter what the passenger's accent is. Besides, Occam's razor is kind of BS, and I don't think you can really apply it to a situation like this.

Are two of the cops wearing sunglasses indoors? I realize they probably wanted to look cool for the camera, but when clearing a room I'd think you'd want your vision un-tinted.

Or to listen to CDs, WAVs, AIFFs, and FLAC files. I agree that they're over-priced, but the same people who buy these will most likely not be listening to MP3s unless it's their only option.

Or just create your own extended warranty fund by adding to it each time you make a purchase: []

I vote against percolators because things like this can easily happen.

Any sources to cite on this one?

It wasn't literally frozen, but it's speed over the ground was very slow compared to a normal take off.

I think my problem is similar to your Droid's issue. If the headphone plug is all the way in the jack, my phone won't recognize that there headphones. So whenever I move it the slightest bit, it comes out of the jack or goes to far in. Except with the Philips! I suppose I could try wiring them to a decent set of

My Evo Shift 4G has a design flaw in its headphone jack. Unfortunately the cheap Philips earbuds are the only ones I've found that work with it. :-(

You can also sign up for an address that has

I don't use it because you have to type in your entire email address when you log in. Yes, I do realize you can have your browser remember this, but I'm against it on principle.

It's called weather.

Digital zoom or optical zoom?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!

Disappointed with the price. Not because the camera isn't worth it, but because when the Scarlet was announced years ago, they were saying 3K resolution for $3,000. At that price point, it would have competed with DSLRs pretty easily. I guess it's just not possible to make a machine like this for under $3,000.

Apparently NASA will be getting images with a resolution of 7 feet per pixel. That's pretty cool. Unfortunately that'll be only a 200 pixel wide image. Which sucks for looking at, but they'll probably be able to learn a lot from it.