
This is coming from the South Korean media, who also went along with the rumor that the return of U.S. beef in South Korea would lead to Koreans getting mad cow disease from diapers.

Embryonic stem cell research utilizes embryos that have been fertilized during the in-vitro (outside the body) fertilization process. They fertilize multiple eggs with sperm, and then select one or a few embryos to transfer to the woman.

To be honest, that does sound a snobby. Sort of like the college friend who spends a summer abroad then comes back "totally" changed and is constantly comparing the US with whatever country he or she was studying, prefacing every statement with "Well, in [insert foreign country here]..."

Way to stand up to the system with the ol' "how is this related to tech?" comment! You really showed 'em! They're not going to be blogging about any non-tech stories anymore!

All I was saying is that Apple has a more hate-worthy company image than Google. If this weren't true, fewer people would bash Apple. Not saying I hate Apple or love Google, just observing. How does this mean I am being blinded?

I think it's easier to be anti-iPhone/Apple than anti-Android/Google.

"Both of those are theories that are still taught as 100% true." Taught where? In elementary school?

You're talking about the classical interpretation of cell theory, which is almost 200 years old. Before anyone knew what DNA was. This is also when the predominant theory of evolution was Lamarck's, who thought that acquired traits are passed on to offspring. Biogenesis is another 100+ old theory that no one really

"Tegon's glowing ability can actually be turned on or off with medicine..."

I'd just like to point out that the person in the stock photo has poor technique. That plate is about 2 degrees of tilt away from being contaminated.

Laptop Mag said: "When you bump up the brightness to 100 percent, you almost forget that you're looking at an 11.6-inch screen."

" will be on the back of everyone's mind that he was *right* even if his actions were not justifiable."

Yes, that is a tricky part of doing mashups and mixes in Ableton. The guy in the article didn't really have to do this though because he had all of the clips lined up so the song was already pre-determined, rather than actually doing a live performance. Still cool though.

There are actually some people who have a different perception of time. What feels like five minutes to us may feel like one minute (or some other amount of time) to them. Maybe the camera happened to catch someone with a very different perception of time.

Pretty sure this dude did it first:

It's not food derived from other humans. It's food derived from this: GAGCCTCGAAGTCCGCCGGCCAATCGAAGG...

This could be good news for vegetarians who would like to eat Jell-O and take pills with gelatin capsules. Again, it's not made from humans or human by-products. It's made by yeast with human genes.

It wouldn't be ethical to give people a placebo vaccine. My guess is that the best approach would be statistical. However, even that would be flawed because the people volunteering to receive the vaccine would be the ones generally more aware of HIV, thus be less likely to become infected in the first place. But