
If you would've said the big three I would've at least known you weren't a nonsensical person, but I guess you are. I should have known when you said he was part of which people, but I was hoping.

But the story Moses is a story from what religion? He brought laws to what religion? Furthermore, you know Jesus was a Jew right?

I'm confused is the Prince of Egypt not the story of Moses?

How is the Prince of Egypt not a Christian movie per se?

Listen to this everyday, love the message. Especially the hook, "stalk imagination, create your own heaven dreaming is a weapon here"

You might as well go watch the 2009 Chinese Mulan movie then.

I don't care as long as they don't slap Netflix original on it as they like to do.

Good enough.

Refer to my first response….


For me nothings as much fun as taking a hit from my pen and sparring, I feel like I can see everything, every little twitch I love it. Almost as much as hitting my pen, putting on a decent e-book(right now I'm "reading" Star Wars Path of Destruction) and hitting the bad. I tune out everything and just work that by the

Come train with me, we'll get you in the ring, you'll start to understand.

Tell that to Phelps, or the Champion Thai fighters at my gym.

Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice:Harry Anslinger

It's okay I got the joke…

Oh thank you, I hope this squeezes just enough to either go on or be a good ending point for the show.

Yeah I thoroughly enjoyed summer wars.

Yeah but the first half of the movie is really just that bad.

Me too man, me too

That movie was god awful and I love that review…..and I love digimon too which is why I have both of the newest games even though I know I will play it for a month at best before giving up.