
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

Your last sentence makes me think you might have a really good insight into Lindsay’s logic here...

How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!

I have never once in my life heard the word promiscuous describe a male.

No. But I do think a decent human could refrain from calling his kid raping an unconscious woman next to a dumpster “20 minutes of action.”

Well, MAYBE, but did you see an unconscious person lying near a dumpster? Because I SERIOUSLY DOUBT you could have controlled yourself in a VERY SEXY situation like that.

I have literally never heard the word “promiscuous” applied to a man.

And, dear lord, equating rape with promiscuity. Like father like son. Apples, trees, distance. Birds, feathers.

He didn’t. Defend. His son.

How many times has the son done this before and just not been caught?

Don’t you know, he’s white and rich, not a risk to anyone. . .

Support is “I love my son and am committed to getting him qualified help and helping him to be better in the future.” It is not calling sexual assault “twenty minutes of action” that “wasn’t violent.”

That part made me ragey. He should be talking about sexual promiscuity, because that’s apparently the problem, not that his son thought that a woman was his to do with as he pleased without regards to what that womans needs..

I don’t know. The positive side of me thinks that even twenty years ago this guy would never have even seen the inside of a courtroom, and that the story would never have been reported on, like a million other stories just like it. That society has at least made itself willing to make a diagnosis, even if the cures

Every time I hear that “sexual promiscuity” phrase in regards to this case, I feel like it’s blaming the victim once again. No way does Brock or his father believe Brock was promiscuous. They believe the victim was. It infuriates me.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that his dad never actually denied that he raped that poor girl. Just that it only took 20 minutes and his son is a nice guy so don’t put him in prison for a handful of months.

I mean he named his son Brock...

At least now we know where the son is getting his ideas about consent, respect of bodily autonomy, being a human being and not a giant tool, ect.