
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

Throughout the campaign, Trump flew back to NYC nearly every single night because he can’t stand sleeping away from Trump Tower. Now he’s got to spend four years in Washington. He hates this.

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

“So you have no plans for the job and no desire to do it, eh? Fuck yeah you’re hired.”

Every time I have encountered some ultra racist, white power type of person they are bar none the dumbest people imaginable. Skipping over their beliefs for a second, I mean they don’t have a basic grasp of spelling, language, geography, math, critical thinking or anything that would render them “superior”. Given

Some days it is hard to stay in the South and keep fighting the bigots. Today and yesterday have been those days.

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.

Ah man I cant believe I missed the window to submit. Honestly I look forward to this every year. Might as well write mine here in case anyone wants additional reading.

Only one way to find out.......

It’s not a word a person her age uses unless she’s heard her parents use it.

I don’t know if it’s true...but Ivanka’s brothers didn’t fall far from the tree.

You can literally sign up on Trump’s campaign website to “observe” voting stations. It’s right there on his site. That’s only one step below condoning threatening voters.

And I could post links to lots of face punches at Trump rallies. The point is your candidate has called for the assassination of his opponent and he’s got surrogates calling for an armed revolution.

And, awesomely, local Democrats set up a GoFundMe to help the office reopen. It’s collected over $13K in just a few hours.

I live in Hillsborough. It’s not very conservative at all. North of Hillsborough is, but the town itself is very liberal. This thing smells fishy.

If this wasn’t a false flag, then fuck whatever stupid asshole is giving Trump’s supporters fuel for their “persecution!” narrative.

Also in NC (UNC grad). It does seem really odd, and Orange County of all places?

He’s probably also jealous that Slim is an ACTUAL billionaire instead of a pretend one.

SERIOUSLY!!?? WHAT THE FU************K?

This election has warped my mind. When I saw your Tinkerbelle gif I thought she was saluting a ring of dicks.