
The headline is again misleading, as CarrierIQ can be found not just in Android. It's carriers that we have to blame for this not Android as a whole. I don't have it, but if I did, I'd probably return my phone in an instant and seek legal means against my provider. I'm curious why class action suits haven't started

We have Wasabi here too, but they don't charge extra for soy sauce and wasabi. They are pretty expensive as is, so people would probably be outraged. Just like charging for freakin' ketchup...

Yes. Abrams was the first one to totally disregard the fundamental message of Star Trek. A positive future where different species work together for the betterment of all. Star Trek always had positive theme in that we can overcome adversities together, and technology and the human strive will lead us to a better

This is NOT Star Trek! Damn you Abrams for destroying the franchise we loved...

The only way people can troll if you pay attention to them. Ignoring a troll is it's kryptonite :)

If it's only half as good as the Watchmen, it'll awesome

Oops yeah I was mistaken it's only the bad guys who had it in their helmet.

I've been using Ubuntu for years. The main reason is that it is fast and safe. I'm in control, and things happen for reasons. When I got my latest laptop, a Samsung Series 9, it had Windows 7, and then I upgraded to Windows 8. I said ok I'll give Windows a chance again and see how it has come along. Well it wasn't

Of course, I'm writing from it right now. Prefer it over Windows 8, or any Windows for that matter :)

It's really about having people pay attention to the flight crew during landing and takeoff, that's when most accidents happen, and when people should not be preoccupied. It has nothing to do with interference.

Awesome Keith, I was missing those :) BTW Last Starfighter had a HUD but you couldn't see it in this clip :)

Good work Keith! Gizmodo is going tabloid now days, and posting sensationalist headlines. Why not stay honest? Beats me. I guess this gets more clicks, but looses more fans along the way, who used to like this site for actual journalism. Sorry Jesus, it had to be said. I mean come ooon! Why the hell do you have to say

Nearly all carriers do this here in Europe. It work well, and phones usually come out cheaper than the list price. They have subsidy model as well, so it's a mix of choices and you can make up your own mind on what you wanna go for.

Looks like a stinky feet maker :)

I don't have a virus problem, never did, I'm calling the Windows OS in a whole a virus :)

Thanks for that.

I'll give it a try. I have an older laptop laying around for testing stuff like this. Right now I have an issue with getting my Samsung series 9 to boot from a USB stick, as the BIOS update that came with Win8 made it not do so :(

Windows OS is the virus invading our computers :)

I was calling the Windows OS a virus :)

Less funny than true. So true. I my self have a few friends who have social media bot networks and make money off them. Companies really do not care, as long as the numbers are there... Sad, but true.