Tricky Taliban, using those manly urges. If you are a solider in the field, it should be quite obvious not to post any hints on where you are anywhere to anyone. I mean come ooon isn't this self explanatory?
Tricky Taliban, using those manly urges. If you are a solider in the field, it should be quite obvious not to post any hints on where you are anywhere to anyone. I mean come ooon isn't this self explanatory?
I wonder if they will have an app for Project Glass that collects images from the glasses them selves and incorporates them into Streetview. If they don't I'm claiming rights for this idea ;)
Damn I've never met a streetview car in person...
You can pre-cash Google maps for a while now, so don't even need an Internet connection to do turn-by-turn navigation. Very handy for people travelling in Europe, where roaming costs can add up quickly
Looks nice, but $250? Wow that's just way overpriced... I'd go for Crumpler instead.
Looks really good. Why did they have to fake it, and make asses out of them selves?
Is there anything Putin doesn't do? He's aiming to be the Russian Chuck Norris
Sexy, but that's a whole lot of cash...
Wow Jesus considering anything but an Apple product! Quick guys take him to the ER, something must be really wrong :D
Damn I never thought Nokia could sink this low. This is misleading customers, and borderline illegal. I think Microsoft is a bad influence, they shouldn't play together from now on, and both need to go to their rooms for some house arrest...
The point is they are monitoring you! Is that legal? Thanks to the changes to your laws probably semi... The point is you have a great constitution that's being used as toilet paper by your elected officials. It's sad, very sad...
I hear you. I do a lot of film production as well, and know the quality issues with online services. It's too bad torrents get a bad wrap because of piracy. BTW if Hulu and Netflix or even Google Play Movies and Music where available not just in the US, I'm sure people would use them instead of having to resort to…
Are you replying to me or the article, because we're in agreement here :) To generalize torrent files as being illegal pirated stuff is just plain wrong and stupid. It's just a means of distribution, what people use it for is their deal.
What do you think about the patent system, does it need an overhaul? I'm asking because some patents Apple has on form and such existed way before they made those devices. I know in this trial that evidence was thrown out because it was introduced late or something.
Hi Taylor. Nice pics. I'm a photographer my self, so no questions about that. What I would like to know it what hardware you used? What type of camera, phone, and stabilization tool (monopod, tripod etc.). THX :)
The last paragraph says it all. Believe it or not there are such things as legal torrent files. A lot of open source software makers use torrent, because it's an easy way of distribution. So good luck proving someone broke the law just by using torrent as the means of transferring data.
They might just call it "5" and sue everyone using that number...
International law should demand clear an precise ways of letting the costumer know what they get. I mean, if it says "buy" or "purchase" I'm buying, and that means I own what I get. If it's not like that it should clearly say "license" or "rent", because it's very misleading this way. Of course they put it in the fine…
Awesome, go Goophone! Karma is a bitch ain't it Apple? I'm rooting for this to happen, and for Apple to get some of it's own medicine...
"Land of the free..." yeah right, more like "Land of the monitored..."