
Well it was too good to be true! Willis' wife denied the whole thing...

It's great that some high profile person is taking this issue head on, because with digital music online sales overtaking physical disc sales, this will be a common thing to deal with. Once you buy a track it's yours and that means you damn well should be able to do what ever the hell you want with it. It says "buy"

It's a beauty :)

Only in the car

Laptops getting thinner and technology evolving has NOTHING TO DO with the MacBook Air. Sure it's a great laptop, but the presumption of everyone copying it is Jobsist... I'm patenting that phrase right now!!! :D

Vented seats means no more smelling farts on overnighters, yay! :) You know there's always someone who let's one loose...

Wow a WD40 line with only one usage!? That can't be right...

I've been to Rio. It is way more awesome than this video :D Go there and you'll fall in love with it for sure...

You get 25GB at Dropbox for free with the HTC One X. It's great, too bad it's only for 2 years...

Ok so the company gets a list of "matched" people, but doesn't know who they are. How will they know if they have the right people. There are a lot of Joe Smiths and Jane Hunters around for example. So if you have a common name you'll be getting a lot of ads that have nothing to do with your preferences. Unless this

Of course, and also when on my motorcycle :) How else would you cancel out those pesky traffic sounds like horns of cars about to hit you ;)

I had a stack of these in pink when I was around 5. My neighbor gave them to me, after they used them in a computer that took up half of the gym at the university he though in :)

Is it just me, who's waiting for what she's gonna hit by not looking at the road?

No Crumpler bags? Crumpler makes the best laptop bags. They are though, safe and funky. Check them out, the site alone will put a smile on your face :)

This is really cool. I use a binder clip for this purpose, but the self wind function on this makes me want one :)

Yes please fill prisons with weed smokers, because they are the biggest danger to society, oh wait better yet, let some rapists and murderers out to make some room for these monsters...

Cannibal kids need snacks too! :D

Dropbox with it's auto sync is unbeatable at the moment. All of my devices on OSs are synced. I was hoping Skydrive would do the same with it's Android app being released today, but no joy. Still hoping Box would make syncing easy too.

I use Chrome, there is no need to ever go to google.com. I only go to google.com if there is a cool doodle :)

Sure you are right, and I don't have misguided illusions of total safety. I do however feel a lot safer than with any other OS, and I also think those other OSs would be way more safer if people just took time to learn how to conduct them selves in a safe way. Of course there are things that can not be avoided, but