I like David Cage’s work. Heavy Rain is great. I’m looking forward to become human.
I like David Cage’s work. Heavy Rain is great. I’m looking forward to become human.
I practically know little about Hawking. I feel that I own it to him that I learn a lot about his work and his impact on the world. I need this.
I prefer stuff that can be prove as real than stuff I just want to be real.
Once upon a time, the last jedi taught me that star wars fans are ungrateful sons of bitches. THE END.
Same here. I thought the film was a serviceable adaptation to the series.
That’s actually not a bad idea. I would love for John & Chris talk about sci fi. Especially with John and Westworld.
And with that, remind to never have sexaul encounters.
He said the comic book film genre will run its course one day, yet he wants to direct one. God bless him, and irony
If you’re squeamish of touching raw meat with your bare hands, use gloves
Just because you weirdos are better than kinky shit than the straights, doesnt mean you need to be snobby about it.
No, no, no. You got it all wrong. Its not”actually,” its Actual-Lee.
I’m sorry, but unless the exosuit can make me a superhuman badass, then there’s no point on buying it.
I only watch the first episode and a little bit of the second episode. how is the series overall?
Well, Here’s a video that should should give you an idea for how John is. Its still not going to stop me watching Ren & Stimpy.
Uh. I never met anyone who gets depress watching something as wacky as Ren and Stimpy. What is it about the show that makes you feel that way?
Even with this, I don’t think it should taint on how a person feels about Ren & Stimpy.
Here’s an idea. Why don’t we as lovers of film try to convince Spielberg and Hollywood to give Netflix and other streaming platforms a change?
Say what you will about his comment about comic book films, I strongly agree with it. We will suffered from superhero fatigue. Maybe not today nor tomorrow, but soon.
People can be a bit hypocritical when it comes to remakes/reboots. They would say its unnecessary at first but when its good, its gets a free pass and they like it.
Fight Club, Psycho, The Thing, and The shining got negative reviews when they came out. Now people see them as masterworks.