Same for your cock back into your pants. Thanks.
Sheeeit, and I thought I was straight up pimpin’ into Detroit dis morning with my SHO open sliding roof open to full bum at Grand River and I-75. Had’z fo on da fahrenheitz at the moment...
Let’s party with this dude. He can be our pilot.
The owners must be as boring as the cars on the list...especially if they keep the cars that long!
Black Pecker batteries are total garbage. Spend the extra money on DeWalt or don’t bother.
Black Pecker batteries are total garbage. Spend the extra money on DeWalt or don’t bother.
That first sentence needs to be rethought...
Exactly. Fuck that guy.
Sorry, but I stopped watching when he touched “another person’s car” for the photo...the ending is irrelevant.