
Tor is known to be compromised by the NSA - just fyi on that one. I use astrill VPN with the addon of stealth VPN and has been great for the last three years I have been using it, get full speeds and can change locations in a click and torrents go through just great bc I read how to use open vpn software with astrill

I have 1440p asus monitor and msi gtx 970 samsung pro ssd i5k 4.5 ghz and 8 gb of ram and the game runs like trash on nvidea's settings. I have to lower quality down to medium and turn on nvidea stuff like soft shadows to get the game to run right and look all right. I have not played more then 2 hrs and didn't want

I hope this is true i bought 6 vill. 1 fitness lady and one perfect marth (no bent sword or messed up face) off ebay a few days ago. I will hold on to them until they start pulling at least $100 a pop if not I might just get super smash bros for wii u and use them for real.

Fuck Phil Fish!

XBox One: Ryse - Quantum Break - Forza Motorsport - Dead Rising 3 - Halo 5 - TitanFall - D4 - Sunset Overdrive - Project Spark - Crimson Dragon.

PS4: Killzone - Infamous - Knack - Drive Club - Deep Down.

It's going to be called BILL. Yea that's right one name that is easy to remember and pronounce. Or Gates or BOX or X or Super X or Xbox Blue or Blue BOX or BLOX

WhoEver Meets his price will be one smart Mofo. With only 2 units left in the universe you can basically set your price at least what you paid the guy for it. If it is that rare then it will only go up in value from the base value set by the sale of the unit! I bet $25,000 - $30,000 will get it off that one guys

Cool But seems Like MASS EFFECT rip off. I will buy it day 1 though!

I played the 90's Version on PC through the game at least 10 times! Good Game at that time bur I don't know if that would hold up today. I have played the XBLA version and the I think Iphone or Ipad version. Add FEZ style to the game and I will be buyer!


YESSS! I AM Going Day 1 to see it and take photos with it!

I like the option to hide the mouse Cursor! Always need to fuck the game up!

GiantBomb ROCKS! Patrick did a good Quick Look just a day or two ago!

Army of 2 has been a flop so far in it's few title run. All the games are fun to play with friends but the mechanics and controls just flat out suck!

REV3Games and Dtoid are the best! Greg Miller is a good laugh at IGN and the only person I can stand over there..1Up and Gamespy should die it's been a million years since I went there!

E3 will showcase other Devs

i Wonder how long It will take for them to actually announce the PS4.. like come right out and say it or tease for 30 minutes!!!!


I'm a lucky guy who is "grandfathered in" to AT&T unlimited plan. Which i need becuase i am a myfi freak to my ipad every where i go. Also i have a slingbox HD and sling tv most of the day too. I go over 8 gigs a month LOL!

@gizgizgiz: Agreed 100%. Multi tasking sucks on the ipad 1 (to much in background and things start to run slow) ALSO add something to close all open apps at once!!! I hate having to jailbreak to make these devices worth it (iphone 4, ipad)