Victor K

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

Ahhhhhhh. Someone hire this marketing genius.

I had a ticket for 101 in a 70 one time, pretty decent fine plus Michigan’s lovely driver responsibility fees on top of it. Not saying I didn’t deserve the ticket, but so does this police chief.

I had to go though a lot of crap and pay hefty fines when pulled over for 93 in a 55. Patrick George spent 3 days in jail for the same. This jerk does 107 in a 45 and they laugh it off.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

The headline is fairly ridiculous because you’ll never see a hipster shop for a car. that starts at $43k.

Nah, he didn’t strategically bounce off the wall and keep going in a different direction without slowing down 

Serious question. Is spending 90k on a pickup truck any worse than on a sports car or a luxury sedan?

Determining an appropriate “target monthly payment” could be an entire article on its’ own. I feel like some people guesstimate or just re-use what their last monthly payment was, without having any kind of budget strategy.

I’d take a G37 coupe over the pig that is the Z.

R53 Mini Cooper S GP. Quick enough to embarrass a lot of higher-priced cars at the track, fun to tune/tinker with.

The sound IS UNBELIEVABLE. Just put it as loud as you can.

You can get them with high miles in reasonable condition for $25k, but I’m not sure someone who is buying at the top of their budget is ready to maintain and repair an M3.

That’s how you know they used authentic Ferrari parts.

Fair enough, but they still sell a shit-ton of them.

The Outback used to be great. Now it’s a bloated caricature of what it once was.  

Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:

sidenote the GT looks fieeeeerce in those militaryish colors

And next you will tell me that I can’t fix everything with a hammer