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I feel CATS just doesn’t translate into film the same way a show with a far clearer plot and relatable characters does (Phantom, Repo, even Jesus Christ Superstar). I wonder if you’d ‘get’ the original CATS film a bit more, which is simply a recording of the stage show (not from any particular run, but with seasoned Br

I personally really like it. I was obsessed as a kid, and I still have a soft place in my heart for it. It IS an odd show, but it’s supposed to be a spectacle. The music, costumes and dancing are the main draws - not the non-existent plot. It’s a bit like Starlight Express, though I fully acknowledge that even

I don’t even understand why this was made. I loved the stage show as a kid and have a very soft spot in my heart for it, so I’m not bashing the show itself at all. Bu, IMO, the main reasons for seeing the show is to marvel at the costumes, see the amazing dancing and enjoy the music. It’s a spectacle, much like

Are they comparing a specialty place to a highly mass-marketed franchise? Because I’m pretty sure there are neat specialty coffeehouses here, too. 

I’m curious as to how you’re comparing the pricing. Almost everything in China is insanely cheap when you are converting US dollars. My family and I ate at a Korean BBQ place in Shanghai and the whole meal cost us, when converted back into US dollars, about $20. But I wouldn’t say we just have expensive BBQ places in

There is a sequel, but the one that’ll be free in January is the first one. 

I look forward to when time travel is possible, so we can bring a pre-agriculture hunter-gatherer forward into our time, let him/her live among us for a few years, then you let them know how they undoubtedly had it better, and back to your own time period you go.

Styx is on this list so many times it seems. Or at least always on sale. It’s honestly a great game, despite some flaws. Definitely scratches my itch for a stealth heavy game, lol. 

You’re right - ridiculously high franchise fees are definitely the way to both expand business AND offer more job opportunities is a given community.

Yeah but knowing that makes it harder for me to hate on CFA which, as everyone knows, raises my coolness factor!

Wait, they charge you to REMOVE the tomato?? Are they putting tomatoes on before the order is made?? I get pre-making some stuff, but wouldn’t you generally not want to add the veggies, lest they get yucky? Even if that is okay, how hard is it to pull up a burger without tomato?? 

You’re probably right about the beans, but I do know you can trade out the cheese/sour cream/guac for pico on any item (I believe it’s called making it Fresca-style). I’m pretty sure it’s entirely free. I hate tomatoes and onions so I don’t do it, but it’s nice for anyone who wants to avoid so much cheese or is pretty

I like chalupas fine. But I don’t ever get their $5 boxes because it’s honestly way more food than I need. I usually just get a few tacos or a quesadilla.

They want to keep prices looking low. I’m not really for this practice to begin with, and I’ve personally never seen it, but if it’s printed there on the bill I don’t see why he really has the right to complain. If he’s that bent out of shape about 42 cents, or if he really hates the practice, he can not frequent that

I wouldn’t be a fan of the practice, but if it’s noted right there in the menu I don’t see how you have any right to bitch about it. They didn’t spring it on you - you just failed to notice it sooner. It’s not really that different from a mandatory 15% gratuity charge being added to large parties.

Dear Salty,

I don’t frequent Starbucks all that much (I prefer Caribou, which doesn’t use silly naming conventions), but when I do I just say small, medium, etc. Not once has a barista tried to correct me or even seemed to care in the slightest. 

I gesture to it when I’m unsure of how something should be pronounced. Usually the wait staff takes pity on me and says it the correct way. I appreciate the short learning experience. 

I just play along. Say the stupid name with an equally dumb smile and a small laugh, and the waitress will usually smile back. She probably has to say the stupid name a lot more than the rest of us do. She MORE than understands. 

My love for CATS is what led me to discover Starlight! I’ve gotten to see both shows live now, and was ultimately in CATS when a local theater did it. I wish I could have been in StEx, but it’d be pretty unrealistic for a community theater to do a show that complex (not impossible, but very difficult).