
These are ultimately a waste of time, I feel. Not because of ‘body positivity’ - I’ll all for doctors feeling empowered to be honest with their patients about the effects and risks of obesity. I think further education is extremely important, regardless of how uncomfortable it may make people feel.

BUT, the fact is

That is so incredibly heart-warming. Kudos for her, and my heart goes out to that man and his family/friends. I can’t imagine how difficult this time must be for them. 

I had a 2 lb bag of Jelly Bellies swabbed last time I returned from Milwaukee. It honestly made my day, lol. 

Right, because passenger trains are so prevalent across the US.

I wasn’t smuggling anything/anyone...”

And then everybody clapped. 

The only time I felt truly worried was when I was coming back from China. We were flying out of Beijing. Flying in had been entirely uneventful. While getting bags checked, however, mine was run through twice before the agent (I have no idea what they are called in China - sorry) wanted to know if I had batteries

That sucks so much - I’m sorry. I’m also of the bigger-boobed persuasion (lol), but I’m really glad I never had that happen. I did get my ass grabbed once, but I have virtually no ass, so while a bit uncomfortable it didn’t feel quite as humiliating, for me. It was also by another woman, and obviously yes, women can

This. Honestly, TSA has always been pretty chill with me. Virtually every time I fly I have my suitcase rifled through, but in the grand scheme of things that’s not a huge deal. My first name is sorta unique and my last name is very unique, so I don’t expect to end up with my name or a similar name being on a

Oh good Lord really? I don’t get why the first agent wouldn’t just be, “Fine, go through, whatever.” It’s awesome he was trying to spare you the hassle, but at that point the arguing was far more hassle for you than just going through the damn scanner! 

When I was in college my default username for online work was my last name followed by my first initial. So something like SmithJ, if my name was Jane Smith.

One time, while buying a plane ticket to see a friend, I wrote SmithJ as my last name, and didn’t notice until after I’d confirmed everything. I was just so used

“Every time I travel” =/= 70-80% of the time. Do you normally suffer such horrible reading comprehension? 

I’ve been pulled aside once, but not for anything horribly invasive. Lady did feel up my ass, but I was an idiot and forgot my phone in my back pocket. I have had my belongings swabbed, though. Truly dangerous items too, such as my contact saline and a 2lb bag of Jelly Bellies.

I get it if she is mandated to go through the explanation - I know similar monologues that either can’t legally be waived, or voluntarily waived. But, I mean, she could have EXPLAINED that to you, rather than freak out about it. 

It’s funny because the employees at my nearest Taco Bell are actually really, really polite. Like, they ask how your day is and thank you if you return the favor. Not that we have actual conversations in the drive through - it’s all in the span of a few seconds. I live in the Midwest, and while people are known for

I have a wonderfully large-based coffee mug that sits steadily on my couch cushion. Sounds like an accident waiting to happen, and while I don’t typically leave it alone (lest my ornery cat drink my coffee), if I shift or do reach for something, I know it’s stable. It was also given to me by someone very important to

I mean, Fallout 3 / NV and Skyrim were released on console when modding wasn’t available at all. All were still extremely successful. Bethesda needs to fix their shit, but don’t act like all their games aren’t worth a cent unless mods are used.

I know I always figured that. Fallout 3 was the first RPG I played up to that point. Skyrim was the second. I was able to get lost in those worlds and accepted the glitches as a byproduct of making something so massive. Hell, I even enjoyed some of the glitchiness - I don’t get bent out of shape if something is

So why do I have to pee 4 times a morning after drinking a cup of coffee? It’s obviously a diuretic - other sources firmly refute you. To what degree can obviously differ between people.

Yup. Not that I spend tons of time staring at my pee (I mean, I’m weird, but not THAT weird...), but if I happen to notice is looking pretty yellow, I remind myself to try and get more water in that day. When it’s clear, I feel good about how much I’m drinking.