
He’s Swedish. I don’t think they know how to be assholes. That’s been my experience with swedes anyway. They’re all super nice haha.

I really want to see Jodorosky’s The Meaning of Life now...

I can think of a lot of things they might be talking about. Lets start with the fact that SpaceX is building what is arguably the best rocket motors in the world these days. Not to mention they have the expertise to land a frellin’ rocket booster on a smeggin’ barge in the gorram ocean.

I didn’t go through 18 years of Catholic upgbringing (including confirmation) to not be able to call out “God” for being an “Imaginary Sky Daddy”. You’ve deflected the argument about how superstition prevents people from arguing coherently, and now we’re talking about whether or not we’ve insulted somebody’s

Yeah, when they get indignant over a liberal’s condescending atheism just bring up Ayn Rand’s stance on the subject. After they recover from their seizure, then bring up her stance on abortion.

But you’re talking about them as of now. I believe the original OP and me are talking about what being a conservative was originally way back when. Today’s conservatives don’t fall into the original definition of what the term was made for, being conservative now just means being a judgmental asshole that speaks

It’s nice when people talk about how fiscally conservative their policies are and then when you point out that free birth control prevents expensive health care and welfare costs down the line, for people they don’t want reproducing anyway, or how free/cheap public housing for the homeless drives down spending for

I don’t see the problem. Obviously our lower atmosphere stretches for roughly 3000 miles into space. That’s just basic astrology.

Many of the Hillary supporters I know personally are not so much Hillary supporters as die-hard Democratic party supporters. Considering Bernie isn’t really a Democrat, they absolutely HATE that he is running for the Democratic nomination. I kind of agree. It sucks that to be a viable candidate you have to run as

I’m older than 40 years old.

#HillarySoQualified getting her mob of 40+ women, who recently learned to use the internet, to shame ME into voting for gender over issues.

congress, iirc, is a consortium of village elders chosen to represent their hamlets by drawing straws. there, they compete in physical and mental competitions while also trying to collect as many golden eggs as possible. at the end of their sessions (the length of which is determined by counting the numbers of stars

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

We capitalize Finland, and that isn’t real.