
Jesus, why not do just a damn teen titans live action series. This almost seems comical

@izikavazo: Yeah... I had to stop myself 7 times from treating angrily about fringer

To quote a recent video game

@SupaChupacabra: True, I guess, I'm hoping that the movie really builds interest in the green lanterns as a concept because they really are some of the best characters dc has to offer. Bottom line I'm excited that they chose this to start with rather than wonder woman the flash.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: I've realized something about comic movies. There are now blueprints to follow. Its either you're Iron Man or you're Batman. So every comic movie film will probably try to follow this idea until the genre dies.

@0datdude0: They really are trying to kind of make Hal Jordan into Kyle Rayner, because Reynolds' personality actually fits Kyle a bit more. I always thought they should have just went with Kyle's Green Lantern for the movie.

@Savant74: I would promote this if I could. Babylon 5 really was just about the space station that maintained peace in the galaxy, that really was the best place for a story in that universe to be told.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: " Paul Dini though has just gotten into the live action t.v. series game... " If he was show runner for this type of show I'd give him my full support.

@Sithishade: This reminds me of those old what if versus matches that wizard magazine used to have. I think the universe would implode, because both characters always come out on top.

@garrettcode: It really doesn't. Just the pacing is so god awful now, it definitely is the equivalent of an effects movie today like Skyline or something. We spend so much time awkwardly admiring the effects that we forget that films should have drama, pacing, and acting.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: but then he'd end up fighting the joker, meeting robin, being talked to by the justice league, fighting hush, defeating ra' al ghul and meeting catwoman. All of these are things that would not make sense canonwise but would be allowed.

@Mark 2000: Couldn't have said it better myself. I want more animated films of this type again. This is just too perfect.

@HappiMonki: Coolness. You should totally give the comic a try. Its a comic book for people who definitely have issues reading super hero comics. Your emotions will be properly taken for a loop!

@tigerthunder: You know.. I'm thinking we're almost to that apex.

@Makidian: Skyline with polish, good call!

@galanix: The picture really sells it. I actually enjoy Rachael Weiss a lot and I think she does fantastic in genre, and would fit in a nolan film very well, more so than any of the other candiates.