
@DarkNight_DS: Okay I'm going to try... Kid with Family... That was the famed balloon boy incident. Boy was thought to be in an extremely small weather balloon it turned out to be a stunt.

@keo7: lol not kotaku. Gawker... j/k guys please don't ban me

@Shinta: Hey they had elevators in star trek, think of it as a homage :)

@WiglyWorm must cease and decist: I remember hearing something about that. Stupid Namco ruined it for every other developer. Hey I love patent law and all, but man that really would have helped the gamers a lot, now we'll have to wait like 20 years before we see them in everything.

@evilweevle: I was totally thinking the same thing. It wasn't even worth bitching about and now its gone. Now we'll get loading screens that explain about either the lore of the game world or reminds us why we got in the elevator( i.e. current quest). I liked the elevator banter and the news reels. Shame on you

When I ever I see these requirements get posted, I breathe a sigh of relief! Still don't have to upgrade

@vjmurphy: It could be Solidus from metal gear.

I'll believe it when I see it. The only two console mmo's I've ever seen come out are final fantasy 11 and Phantasy Star Online.

I have to say.. yes this game should have a sequel, but goddamn it fix the pc version's multiplayer #borderlands

@Whizkid103: This was the one game I was worried about because it didn't do so well. If it does come back, probably you will play as a tough male character and it will have less of that fun sterile world vibe the first had.

Is this the most viewed topic ever on this site? #nsfw

@JaiMak: because the ENTIRE network has jumped the shark.

I thought at first the clip was simply going to be her getting stabbed, but then it turned out it was a clip full of some of the worst editing I've ever seen. Its got a certain kind of magic to it, I'll say

I have to say, after reading some of the things these achievements imply I would say that this title looks to be well worth a full priced game. Especially for us who will only be playing 50 bucks. Looking more forward to this day by day.

@Rachel Fogg: Coming from a law enforcement background I guess I can give some insight. The idea with enforcement is to go after some people. Conceivably you can't get everybody, so you go after the people that everyone knows. It makes the news they make a big stint about how we're making sure everyone plays fair

@Melhavic: wow that game is broken

@Tyber_Zann: I feel your pain. I'm actually home from work today, and I have to keep clicking and waiting with no improvement

I'm mega hyped. I wonder how all my coh characters are going to port over. Hopefully I can give them the same approximate looks if not make better improvements.

@Ricardo Freitas: Yeah I'm totally with you on Shadow of the Colossus and Mgs 3. Shadow of the Colossus got so increasingly epic it was ridiculous. SoTC was good because it took all those amazing things that characters do in classic fantasy tales and CGS and really allow you to do them. Your character had a sword a