
My early prediction. Is that this came comes out and is an 8.0 B- game and it garners critical acclaim. No one buys it cause its got a female lead who isn't a porn star.

Awesome stuff!. Nice job adam and owen

Yeah this is kind of cool. I think the models are looking much more fleshed out. Some people were worried about how they looked. I think they look fine. I will definitely add this to my list of games to play

Chun Li is a bit thin and the thighs. Girl needs to eat

City of Heroes ( its not perfect enough for me)

Its time to update... Everything.

@sedarisan: I'm sorry I'm an mgs fan and I think that 90 minute cutscene kind of tears at being bad game design. Why not spend that time working on another actually game sequence or a boss battle rather than trying to set up exposition. It is absurd

Anyone who is a gamer and knows a little bit about finance and business loves this guy. ( Especially people who make investment decisions based off this guys research) Yes folks I'm saying more often than not he knows what he's talking about. I think that he's right on the ball with the next generation starting in

@Palladium: Its only insider trading if you sell the stock based on advice that no one else is supposed to know about. The fact that a ceo is buying stock froma company he works for is not insider trading. If he suddenly committed a stock sell and then suddenly it turns out that there is some huge accounting scandal

What most people want to look at when they work out.. is how much percentage body fat they have. That's a better measure of progress than bmi also heart rate, cholesteral, nutrition. There are just too many other variables in fitness, but what ever to sell a game peripheral

This strikes at a much larger problem within the games industry which is that of residuals. Sooner or later they are going to make an issue of it. Devs don't have a collective bargaining body yet but I imagine ten years from now they'll want to especially has the business speeds toward the maturing phase

He's talking about hardware growth primarly I assume. THat would make sense, you wouldn't expect people to suddenly stop playing games, but you could reasonably expect everyone who wanted to buy a system to have stopped buying them.

@Johnny Mac: Grats for deciding to level up your relationship instead of your chocobo

I for one love escort missions wHen they are not ridiculously impossible ( shakes a fist at robotech for the ps2.

I think the industry is turning around personally. I almost get giddy when developers decide to go back to drawing board because it seems like what ever idea they did have is not working. It means they're starting to become far more disciplined when it comes to making games. If someone in house said that " This game

I thought that was cool.

SO they're worried about growth. Well first of all...

And so it began! Now Uwe Boll will be forced to make his movies straight to dvd craptaculars like he was always destined for.

PAX is not really a trade show. E3 is. What would really be cool is if they allowed the gaming and mainstream press 2 days to get their message out, and let the public come in for the last two days of the show. Okay I admit it. I loathe the fact that PAX isn't in California. I do think its awesome that there is

Oh that's fantastic