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If we’re wishing (to put this in perspective, I am super cheap) I would pay $200 to see President Obama debate Donald Trump.

I wouldn’t say Sanders is a “pro” at debating. He’s been pretty lackluster in his debates against HRC, and merely repeats the same talking points. And his attempts to go negative have fallen flat. I would personally like to see Elizabeth Warren debating Donald Trump.

Honestly, if Clinton would have tried to debate McCain in the final days of the 2008 campaign, everyone would have been calling for her head.

Wow is no one else seriously troubled by this? Sorry Bernie but this whole campaign looks like it’s becoming a sad ego trip. And him and Donald debating would be just be for their own egos. It’s pretty messed up that the only woman currently running for president actually EARNED her nomination by getting the most

Yes, let’s debate without the female front-runner and then ironically donate the proceeds to “women’s health issues or something.”

I don’t think she’s blaming others, she’s just highlighting the influence they had on her—she knows that she wasn’t very politically aware, and because she didn’t know enough about it to earnestly care about the issues, she used what resources were near at hand—her family and her boyfriend. I’m glad you made the

That’s not entirely fair—a lot of teens aren’t really educated on the issues, and if their families and friends are conservative and that’s all they know, they’re more likely to lean conservative. I was the same way (sans boyfriend) because I was raised in a very conservative Christian environment. I grew up and then

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

I hope you’re not an English teacher because you don’t understand sentence construction.

Strongly agree! It seems that people remember the Holocaust(images of death camps, stories of survivors) but not enough about how it came to fruition which is absolutely crucial to never letting it happen again.

The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

Considering that he has exactly zero percent odds of winning the nomination, does anyone else feel that Bernie is actively trying to fuck over the Democrats at this point?

The person who is against feminism and thinks it’s important to sunbathe her vagina?

She opened the door when she claimed the women were willing participants who threw themselves at Cosby. She’s also a business partner and manager, and she probably thought when this started that it would be (once again) swept under the rug. Don’t kid yourself, she’s in it up to her neck.

I truly don’t remember anything about Hillary procuring rape drugs.

She’s a piece of shit. The woman stood by while her husband ruined the lives of an endless stream of his victims. Special place in hell for her.

I just want to point out that you started off by saying the women who say SSM is a cult are“fucking crazy” and then proceeded to write a 10 thousand word single paragraph incoherent ramble.

Protip: paragraph breaks will make it seem a bit less like you’re in a cult.

I want to know why all the women in this group who have written here all sound like valley girls.