
“*relative* freedom”
Do you know, what *relative* means?

Well it should apply to all crimes, because it´s human right and cornerstone of any democratic state. You can´t have democracy without this institute.

Well, still better this, than sending them Rippley ;).

Uhm, nope:

Thank you for your words, i really appreciate it :-).
Also thank you for your recomendation, I just checked them and they are right in my city, just few streets away from were I live. :-)

·Like other guys on this thread i´v been there to (probably lv. 2),though, my problem wasn´t rejection, but my fear of it and fact i´m bad at aproaching people(well this is stil problem but at least i´m working on it now).
Long story short, i was nice guys, until the last fall, when i had a severe depressions (thank

And also, please don´t forget about her being Russian. This really complicating whole situation.

I agree on the second part, but regarding the first nope. She should be held responsible for her actions. (of course i´m not talking about criminal responsibility). Also 13 yrs old aren´t stupid and she´s probably aware of recent imigrant crisis (she live in Germoney for god sake) and at least she should know what her

Did you mean German, French, Swedish, Murican, Canadian etc. ? Or just Western kids?

Nope, it´s in English, because English is lingua franca today. Ie. we have govermental campaign called Hate free culture! And i´m f******n slav!

Okay, let´s put it another way. Few years ago, there was similar situation(although it was about aggravated assault) in my country (Czech rep.) and it almost ended with anti-roma pogrom (or mass lynching). Please don´t take these racist/xenophobic fake accusations lightly, they might cause (and usually cause) serious

A) Okay, i´m European and it´s about color of the skin. Trust me, ie. recently my country accepted some CHRISTIAN (not muslims) refugees from ME and almost all anti-imigrants (they call themselfs anti-muslims) people, were against this decision.
B) Few years back, similar accusations almost ended with pogrom (police

What about good old BBat? (also avayable in special edition, with nail)

Now playing

This should make you feel better, it really help me to get over this s***t..

Well I usually cry and laugh during that song and i think that´s the thing with this song, it will help you overcome your sadness with touching humor:-).
Btw. strange sense of humor is our national tradition, we have also proverb about this: “You should laugh, even when they going to hang you”. :-)

Now playing

I feel really sorry for your lost, i´ve been there during 2k13/14 and still it is my worst nightmare, worst of it is that my granny died few hours before i was able to get there. I´m really sorry that best thing i can offer you is this “meaningless” internet condolence, but i really hope that (at least) rest of this

Thank you. :-)

From my POV everything! I really hate this year (at least for now).

Again? C´mon it´s not even funny anymore, it´s fokin January 19th and this is next artist i really like (thanks to Hotel California, love that song), who died. Just stahp, really, pls.

What is Americorps? I never heard about it before.